Maredsous Brune / Bruin
The brown beer was originally only brewed for Christmas, but over the centuries it became a force to reckon with.
Maredsous Brune has a creamy foaming, dark, burgundy color, is easily recognized by its expressive aroma bouquet. A generous caramel bouquet is completed with masterly fruit touches.
Cerveza de abadía, 8.% de alcohol, de alta fermentación y con segunda fermentación en botella.
Cerveza ambarina oscura, cobriza caliente. Un gran abanico de aromas exquisitos de los que resaltamos el perfume de flores y fruta madura.
La Maredsous 8 Bruin arranca con un sabor bastante dulce, dando más tarde tendencias de café y chocolate, acabando de forma equilibrada.
Su copa única aporta una extraordinaria dimensión al placer de degustar esta cerveza. Acompaña bien a las verduras asadas, carne de caza menor, cordero estofado o al horno y quesos semicurados o cremosos.
St. Bernardus Wit - St. Bernardus Blanche - Witbier
StBernardus Wit is a traditional Belgian white beer developed and brewed in collaboration with the legendary Master Brewer Pierre Celis. This ale is very pale (whitish-yellow color) and quite hazy. The head is white and dense. In aroma, it has a wheaty, apple-like, tartness; herbal-spicy notes with coriander and orangey fruitness and honeyish sweetness. Very refreshing: perfect thirst quencher ! (5,5% ABV)