Versión de la Aún Más a Jesús, pero con café añadido.
Evil Twin Molotov Cocktail Heavy
Despite the crudeness it is tricky to make an effective Molotov cocktail. Despite the unruly nature of the rebel it is very tricky to resist accepted conventions. Molotov Heavy is a tour de force in rebellious hoppiness, it’s a heavy spark for action and by far one of the most anti-authoritative beers ever made by Evil Twin Brewing.
Evil Twin Freudian Slip
Did you also at some point in your life get seduced by promising words like ‘probably (not) the best in the world’, ‘it (doesn’t really) work every time’ etc. This American Barley Wine says it how it is. It’s intense, attention seekingly hoppy and definitely your kind of beer. A beer with a big ego, drive and a huge thirst for recognition.