Catalan Brewery Kirkpatrik
Tipus: Scottish 80%.Maridatge: SUSHI. And always with Pizza.
It is generally held that the classic Scottish ale is referred to as an 80% (eighty shilling) while a stronger Scotch ale of today is often as a 90% (ninety shilling) or "Wee Heavy". Today, few brewers use the terminology but those that do have for the most part adhered to labeling beers of increasing alcoholic strength and flavor profile with increasing "values" in shillings. This system was unique to Scotland and as such provides one of the purely Scottish contributions to the overall history of brewing. So, the next time you approach the barman in the pub and order a "pint of eighty", pause before you take that first sip and raise your glass in salute to all the great brewers of the past and present that have contributed to this truly Scottish tradition.
Ingredients: Malts: Pale, Munich, Crystal i Roasted Barley. Llúpols: Single Hop East Kent Goldings. Un polssim de Wasabi. Aigua i Llevats: Baix Vallès. Llevats propis.
Vinter és l'hivern, el fred glaçat i obscur. El moment on cerquem el calor d'una llar de foc al temps que esperem la nostra pròpia renaixença, el lloc per obrir-nos de nou als nostres sentits amb la Imperial Stout de DeSkaeg
Santa Pau Pop Is Dead
American Weiss IPA
El meu petit homenatge a Stuttgart, una ciutat que m’encanta, on hi viu un bon amic...
Mi pequeño homenaje a Stuttgart, una ciudad que me encanta, donde vive un buen amigo...