CAP Don’t Break The Oat
Thomas Bingebo? Do you know him?
He is the legend who taught our man Mattias the ‘ins and outs’ of the British style of brewing. The key lesson here? Balance.
Some brewers act like they invented beer. Some brewers pay their dues. At CAP we are all about option two. So here’s to you Thomas. Thank you for the hard lessons…we brewed this beer with you in mind.
We hope we have made you proud.
Kopparberg Mixed Fruit
Kopparberg Fruta Mixta
El zumo de grosella y frambuesa se mezclan con la sidra de manzana para obtener un sabor afrutado, rico en color y refrescante hasta la última gota.
Our house IPA. A blend of grains, untouched post fermentation and aspiringly hopped with Simcoe, Citra and Centennial.
IPA, 6.2 % by vol.
Brewed at Brunswick Bierworks in Canada and De Proefbrouwerij in Belgium.
Artwork by Karl Grandin.