The Cantillon brewery is closely linked to Brussels, a city which has the iris as its symbol. As the name indicates, the "marsh iris" is a plant growing in humid areas. The historical center of Brussels is built on swamps where this flower used to grow abundantly.
In 1998, the Brussels Museum of the Gueuze celebrated its 20th anniversary. The Cantillon brewery decided to make a new spontaneous fermentation beer for this occasion, named after this symbolic flower.
It is a completely original beer which, contrary to the other products of the Brewery, is not brewed with 35% of wheat. The Iris, which is only made with malt of the pale ale type (giving a more amber colour to the beer) conserves the typical flavour of the spontaneous fermentation, the complex aromas and the vinous taste.
The hopping is different too. Lambic is made with 100% dried hops, for the Iris we use 50% of dried hops and 50% of fresh hops. The latter cause a superb acidity, the former, due to their tannins, enable to conserve the beer while preserving all its qualities.
After two years in the barrel, the Iris undergoes a second fresh hopping two weeks before the bottling. A linen bag, filled with hops, is soaked in the beer for two weeks. This technique, called "cold hopping", gives the beer a more intense savour and makes the smell and the taste more bitter.
Fou’ Foune
Assemblage de Lambics de 18 à 20 mois d’âge avec des abricots Bergeron
Bière très parfumée et gourmande qui restitue parfaitement les qualités aromatiques de l’abricot Bergeron.
Les abricots utilisés sont issus d’une agriculture raisonnée. Nous allons assembler 300 g de fruits par litre de Lambic.
Le temps de macération est très court. Environ cinq semaines seront suffisantes au Lambic pour extraire les arômes et les saveurs du fruit.
La Fou’foune amorce d’ailleurs le début de la saison de mise en bouteille vers la fin du mois d’août.
Vu son succès, la Fou’foune est devenue notre troisième bière à fruits en termes de volume, derrière les classiques que sont la Kriek et le Rosé de Gambrinus.
Cerveza lámbica que rinde un homenaje a François Daronnat, un agricultor que cultivaba albaricoques de la variedad Bergeron y apellidado "Foufoune". Una mañana de julio del 1998 la familia Cantillon se encontró delante de la puerta 300 kg de esta fruta por una apuesta que tuvo con el citado François, y de ahí al fermentador había poco camino...