Comparar Cervezas Abbey Monks’ Ale - Abbey Monks’ Wit Ale - Abbey Monks’ Tripel Ale

Comprar Abbey Monks’ Ale - Abbey Monks’ Wit Ale - Abbey Monks’ Tripel Ale


Tipo / Estilo:

Belgian and French Ale
Belgian Tripel



Belgian Aromatic

Hallertauer, Styrian Golding, Saaz
Saaz, Fuggle
Styrian Gold, Hallertauer, Saaz
Descripción Comercial:


Monks’ Ale

Historically, patersbier was a monastery’s beer brewed and enjoyed solely by the monks and their guests. Over time, patersbier has come to refer to the product of the monastery’s basic beer recipe. Abbey Brewing’s patersbier is Monks’ Ale, a session-ale characterized by its malt-hop balance, smooth drinkability and crisp finish.

Monks’ Ale, an abbey single (enkel or patersbier) ale, is the first beer produced by the Benedictine Monastery of Christ in the Desert. Very few breweries in the entire country make this style of beer.

Monks’ Ale has a distinct aroma of cloves and moderate fruity esters (particularly stone fruits). The yeast lends a note of clove and, in combination with the malts, hints of plum and apricot. The malts provide a distinct honeyish quality up front and round, full middle. The malts and yeast leave a clean, crisp, dry finish to Monks’ Ale.


Monks’ Ale es una cerveza muy especial que sigue el estilo Enkel o Patersbier, receta tradicional y original del siglo XVI que muy pocas cerveceras en Estados Unidos producen. Tradicionalmente esta cerveza estaba reservada para los monjes y sus invitados, y ahora está disponible para que tú la disfrutes.

En la foto aparece el Hermano Christian Leisy, OSB, Monje activo


Monks’ Wit Ale

Wit beer (Belgian), la biere blanche (French) or white beer is a top-fermented ale brewed with a barley-wheat blend. Wit beer descends from medieval beers that were brewed with “gruit,” a blend of spices and other plants, rather than hops. Abby Brewing captures the spirit and flavor of the Belgian wheat style beer with Monks’ Wit Ale, a refreshing ale with a multi-dimensional flavor profile.

The refreshing blend of spiciness and fruitiness make Monks’ Wit Ale an ideal beer for summer (although it is available year-round).

Monks’ Wit Ale has a complex yeast character that lends a robust profile that accentuates the imported coriander, tangy orange peel and other spices. The pale malt provides a sweet, bready quality, and the wheat and oats lend a creamy taste and velvety elegance. The imported hops and spices give a clean, dry finish to this light, refreshing ale.

The hop blend includes Czech Saaz and British Fuggle. Grains include White Wheat Malt as well as unmalted flaked Soft Red Wheat and oats, which give the ale a creamy taste.

Monks’ Wit Ale incorporates traditional Indian coriander, Spanish sweet orange peel, bitter orange peel and other mild spices.


Monks’ Wit Ale es una descendiente de la cerveza elaborada en la edad media, siendo muy popular en esa época. Hoy en día es elaborada con lúpulos, siendo una cerveza muy refrescante para esos días de calor.

En la foto aparece el Hermano Rodrigo Barrenechea González, OSB, Monje activo


Monks’ Tripel Ale

Tripel ales, first brewed by the Trappist monks at Westmalle in Belgium in the 1930s, are typically some of the strongest—and most complex—ales. Abbey Brewing’s Monks’ Tripel and Monks’ Tripel Reserve Ales are among our most popular offerings at craft beer festivals.

Monks’ Tripel Ale and Tripel Reserve Ale are light-bodied ales with a widely varying flavor profile from start to finish.

Monks’ Tripel Ale Monks’ Tripel Reserve Ale

Monks’ Tripel Ale is distinctly fruity and spicy with a pleasant alcoholic warmth and a crisp, dry finish. The yeast lends notes of peach, apricot and plum, which support a complex chorus of traditional flavors. Imported European hops bring balance to the long layers of yeast character by providing a spicy and herbaceous harmony of flavor.

In Tripel Reserve Ale, the hops add a slight earthy, spicy (pepper) flavor. A subtle and soft malt character produces a rich quality up front and a round fullness in the middle. Both Tripels finish clean and dry, Tripel Reserve with light hints of citrus fruits and mint.

European-derived yeast is used for both brews.

Monks’ Tripel Reserve Ale is enriched with a unique blend of hops that includes varieties native to northern New Mexico and southern Colorado (neo-mexicanus), which are grown on the grounds of Christ in the Desert Benedictine Monastery.


Monks’ Tripel Ale es una cerveza muy especial, con alto grado alcohólico, una suave sensación. Este tipo de cerveza fue hecha por primera vez en 1032 en Bélgica. Hoy en día es una de las cervezas más populares en Bélgica, con cientos de variaciones alrededor del mundo. Sin dudas sus sabores te cautivarán.

En la foto aparece el Hermano Jude Vu, OSB, Monje activo

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