Vrijstaat Vanmol Gronckel Blond 6.5° - 34L
Vrijstaat Vanmol Gronckel Blond 6.5° Pours rather clear blonde, good white head. Smell is fruity, s ...ppy, perhaps it’s more of a combo-thing between the hops, malts and yeasts used. Agreeable body and carbo. Refreshing in a way. ...
24,50 €
NovaBirra Holy IPA 6.5° HOLY IPA is an American-style IPA brewed from Pilsner, Vienna, Cara and Whe malts. Chinook and Mosaic hops are used in the kettle. Dry-hopping with Chinook and Mosaic produce great aromas with citrus and exotic fruits notes.
10,25 €
NovaBirra Big Mama Stout 8° Big Mama Stout is brewed from 5 types of barley malt and some rye malt ...ops and cocoa nibs from Madagascar. Our Belgian dark beer will improve during the first year of aging by developing delicate aromas of chocolate balanced by a moderate bitterness. We recommend ta ...
10,11 €
Gulden Spoor IPA 7° GULDEN SPOOR IPA is a tall blond beer with a firm and clear head. By using a w ... The alcohol content of the beer enhances the intensity of the pronounced hoppiness which gives an open palette of strong bitter tastes to soft fruity touches. The aroma has a round hoppiness ran ...
11,01 €
Dark brown beer of high fermentation, re-fermented in the bottle. The thick foam and generous appear ...ted malt and chocolate, and a very sweet Curacao note. It takes its name from a Merovingian cemetery, the Red Cross, located Éprave. ...
9,11 €
Gulden Draak 10.5° Gulden Draak is a high fermentation beer with secondary fermentation. For the se ...the red letters, constitute a stylish result that has no equal among the many Belgian special beers. Gulden Draak can be drunk as an aperitif or dessert, or whenever you have the time to sit back ...
9,65 €
Bertinchamps Pamplemousse 5.2° - 13L
A pilot grapefruit & ginger beer. Pours a golden orange with a large, white head. Aroma is grape ...fruit and ginger. Taste is semi-dry, grapefruit, ginger, light hoppiness. Light.
9,30 €
Wolf Carte Blanche is a distinct, adventurous hopped top-fermented beer, expertly brewed with 5 diff ...a surprising spiciness, complemented by a hint of citrus and delicious tropical fruit. Fermentation in the bottle gives it a pleasant full rich taste and a refreshing sparkle in the glass. A real ...
10,45 €
Brown body, small head of. Aroma is spicy (a lot of spices), nuts and almond, herbal hops, caramel, ...roasted malt and moka - Taste is good. Malty sweetness, but with some raisins and figs. Finish is malty and fruity. Ovaltine. Very nice.
11,90 €
Lindemans Pêcheresse 2.5° - 37,5cl
Volumous crisp-white head sits atop peach colored beer. Not as carbonated as other Lindeman varietie ...s, but still rather champagne like in appearance. Sweet smell of ripe peaches. Very fruity, nearly overwhelming peach flavor. Full flavored, finish is smooth and round.
8,80 €
Ename Cuvee Rouge 7° A lovely coppery red colour in the glass. The aroma of this abbey beer reveals ...down to the dry, slightly bitter finish. The Cuvée Rouge, which is re-fermented in the bottle, is definitely something else. Nose/aromas: Fruity (ripe pears) and herby aroma, caramel, sweet malt ...
9,64 €
Une des meilleures bières d’abbaye et un magnifique endroit à visiter à deux pas de Liège à Visé sur ... la route vers Maastricht
23,38 €
Corsendonk Dubbel Kriek 8.7° - 13L
Corsendonk Dubbel Kriek 8.7° Hazy reddish-brown colour, off-white head. Aroma of cherries, some mar ...typical Corsendonk flavour to it, slightly yeasty and fruity sweet. Not too boozy, nicely carbonated and long, light sweet aftertaste. Very decent. ...
9,12 €
Hoogstraten Poorter 6.5° - 34L
This beer is bottled in unique, ceramic crocks of 75cl. The Hoogstraten Poorter is a dark and stron ...With its bittersweet, full-bodied taste and velvety finish, the Hoogstraten Poorter is a unique beer in its range. This porter is being brewed in honour of the 800th birthday of the city of Hoogs ...
30,58 €
Gordon Finest Platinum 12° - Can 50cl
Gordon Finest Platinum 10° Gordon Finest Platinum has a velvety sensation on a bitter but not harsh piquancy on the tongue. It expends all its alcoholic flavour down to the last drop on the palate, where it leaves an excellent, lingering aftertaste. It really must be savoured refreshingly co ...
9,86 €
Sint Gummarus Tripel 8.3° - 13L
Sint-Gummarus Tripel is the first tripel made in the province of Limburg. This beer, copper-blonde i ...ature. Hazy, orange-amber colour with a blond dense and tall foamy head. The aroma is sweet with notes of dusty hops, over ripe fruits and caramel. Long sweet finish with in the very end a little ...
10,04 €
De Ryck Arend Dubbel 6.5° - 13L
De Ryck Arend Dubbel 6.5° Pours a brown walnut color body with a nice cream beige head. The aroma i ...s sweet fruit, some caramel and candy. Roasty malt flavor with tart fruit notes and faintly bitter hops. Plenty of character while instantly likable, drinkable and refreshing. Really enjoyed it.
9,96 €
Saison de Dottignies 5.5° - 13L
Hazy orange golden with short lasting white head that leaves a thin film and some bubbles. Smells ve ...p and bitter with peppery, earthy hop giving a lot of bitterness with very little sweetness to balance. Average carbonation, the finish is long and bitter. Overall a fine beer. Not for those with ...
9,08 €
Troubadour Westkust 9.2° - 13L
Very dark brown color, average sized off white head. Aroma of roasted malts, hints of chocolates and ...bread and caramels. Texture is creamy and yet dry, nice full body with a nice smooth bitterness. A great beer. ...
10,45 €
Troubadour Magma is an amber colored beer with the bitterness of an American IPA but balanced with t ...riple IPA wich Czech bittering hops and Simcoe for Dry-hopping. Made by De Proef for Drie Musketeers, ...
9,86 €
Troubadour Speciale 5.7° - 13L
Clear light orange, white lacing foam head. Very deep orange copper colour on the body, with a well ...nd cinnamom, sweet, resin notes, blackcurrant, red druit touch, good complexity for the alcohol level, light metallic note, finish is on agrumes. Pleasant amber ale. ...
9,31 €
Troubadour Imperial Stout 9° - 13L
Pours dark brown and clear, with large beige head. Strong caramel smell with chocolate and alcohol. ...Taste is caramel, some bitter chocolate, coffee. Aftertaste is bitter, not long. A more then decent imperial stout.
9,97 €
Stella Artois is one of the world’s best-selling beers and is enjoyed in more than 80 countries. Its ... full, characteristic flavour and high quality is assured through a superior brewing process and by using the finest ingredients available.
5,22 €
I first encountered this great beer while in Belgium, actually in a city that had an abbey brewery r ...ight nearby. This beer is strong, but also quite sweet, with (in my opinion), a very pleasant taste resembling oranges. I highly recommend this delicious beer!!
9,42 €
Avec Les Bons Voeux 9.5° - 37,5cl
Avec Les Bons Voeux 9.5° Bons Vœux is a blonde Christmas beer by brewery Dupont. The beer’s full n ...ery Dupont ». This beer has been around for almost 50 years. At first it was a special beer that was given as a new year’s present to the brewer’s best customers. And although they still do that, ...
20,41 €
Kasteel Barista Chocolate Quad 11° - 13L
Beer is great! Only problem is receiving it with no broken beer bottles! Ordered 24 bottles - 2 bo ...lgian Shop and picture. No response. Too expensive to have broken beer bottles shipped to you. Will not order any more. Can't afford it!!! ...
12,98 €
Christmas Beers - Bertinchamps Hiver 8° - 1/5L - delivery worldwide - discount following quantities ...purchased. -
13,49 €
Hazy milky orange with a creamy white head. Nose is full of sweet banana, fruity esters, sweet white ... bread and some vanilla. Malty sweetness taste balanced by herbal bitterness. Medium/full body with creamy mouthfeel. Very good balance.
10,38 €
Verhaeghe Barbe d’Or 7.5° -13L
Verhaeghe Barbe d’Or 7.5° Clear, golden colour with a blond and thick foamy head. Aroma has oranges ...l. Sweetness is dominating by notes of tart with fruits. Dry feeling with cooked cherries is mostly the background. Still sweet though with delicate clove. Aftertaste is delicatly bitter and wedd ...
9,22 €
La Corne du Bois des Pendus BLACK 8° - 13L
La Corne du Bois des Pendus BLACK 8° The third Corne du Bois des Pendus can be called "Wonderful Ho ...k Horn is an easy beer to savour. The nose and mouth reveal soft aromas of remarkable intensity. The flavor is sweet in the first place prior to ramp up on chocolate notes, cafes "old" and butter ...
10,58 €
Liefmans Goudenband 8° Liefmans Goudenband is a beer for storing, and just keeps improving over th ...mmediately pick up on the wonderful aromas of caramel, apple, rhubarb, cherries and malt. On the taste buds you will find hints of apple and cherries, combined with woody notes, while the afterta ...
26,15 €
Ginette Natural Blond 5° - 13L
Ginette Natural Blond 5° Ginette " Natural Blond": an authentic blond with devastating charms!At 5 ...tte "Natural White" registers thesame degree of authenticity and craft andshe is brewed exclusively fromingredients deriving from the biological agriculture ...
9,04 €
Ginette Natural White 5° - 13L
Ginette Natural White 5° A new top-quality organic beer naturally white - not excessively - some of ...registers thesame degree of authenticity and craft andshe is brewed exclusively fromingredients deriving from the biological agriculture. ...
8,97 €
3 Fonteinen Golden Doesjel 6° - 37,5 cl
Deep red brown colour on the boy, good sized tan head on top, with good retention, leaving medium la .... Flavor is caramel, and peaty hops. Finishes dry. The flavor was a pleasant surprise; very unexpected. ...
46,86 €
St. Louis Gueuze Fond Tradition 5° - 37,5cl
Pours a medium orange color with a wheat like sour fruit aroma. Nose fills with green apples and ber spicy with a lasting, sour finish. Body is medium, texture is oily, carbonation is avarage. Refreshing and really nice. ...
21,26 €
Hanssens Experimental Cassis 6° Pours a nice bright reddish with a violet tinge- somewhat hazy and ... raspberries. Aroma is bitingly tart fruits, rotten berries, burnt rubber, lemon juice and wet earth. Musty basement in there as well. Taste is sour fruit, berries, sour cherry, lemon juice, vine ...
60,78 €
Hanssens Experimental Cassis 6° Pours a nice bright reddish with a violet tinge- somewhat hazy and ... raspberries. Aroma is bitingly tart fruits, rotten berries, burnt rubber, lemon juice and wet earth. Musty basement in there as well. Taste is sour fruit, berries, sour cherry, lemon juice, vine ...
45,31 €