BelgianShop | Birrapedia
Engelszell Benno Trappistenbier 6.9°-13L

Belgium BelgianShop

Engelszell Benno Trappistenbier 6.9°-13L

Pours clear light copper with a foamy beige head. Aroma is lightly bready with arguably herbal hop. ...A little earthy, with some Belgian yeast/spice/ester. Med body. Flavor is fairly spicy. Some hard to identify fruit ester. It’s earthy and dry in the finish. Pretty nice drink.

12,71 €

Engelszell Gregorius Trappistenbier 9.7°-13L

Belgium BelgianShop

Engelszell Gregorius Trappistenbier 9.7°-13L

Austrian Trappist beer   Pours a very dark brown beer with a small, light tanned head. Aroma has a ...ugh the aroma with some malty touches. Very complex aroma. Flavour starts of very sweet, but more layers are discovered while drinking. Very sugary, malty sweetness with loads of sweet fruit flav ...

12,44 €

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