waterintobeer | Birrapedia
300 Beers to Try Before You Die by Roger Protz

Reino Unido waterintobeer

300 Beers to Try Before You Die by Roger Protz

From Belgian fruit beers to hoppy cask ales, small-production microbrews to Czech Republic lagers, t ...leading beer writers. In this unique and beautifully illustrated collection, he has distilled decades of beer knowledge into an entertaining and indispensable guide to the ales that no beer lover ...


300 More Beers to Try Before You Die by Roger Protz

Reino Unido waterintobeer

300 More Beers to Try Before You Die by Roger Protz

300 More Beers to Try Before You Die! takes beer lovers on an exciting new odyssey through 300 of th ... Die!, and complied by award-winning beer writer Roger Protz, the book features everything from new American ales to rediscovered classics like English strong mild; and inventive new twists on ag ...


A Brief History of Lager : 500 Years of the Worlds Favourite Beer by Mark Dredge

Reino Unido waterintobeer

A Brief History of Lager : 500 Years of the Worlds Favourite Beer by Mark Dredge

In this fascinating book, beer expert Mark Dredge dives into the history of lager, from how it was f ...o well today. From the importance of 500-year-old purity laws to a scrupulously researched exploration of modern beer gardens (it's a hard life), Mark has delved deep into the story of the world' ...


A Life on the Hop : Memoirs from a Career in Beer by Roger Protz

Reino Unido waterintobeer

A Life on the Hop : Memoirs from a Career in Beer by Roger Protz

"A Life on the Hop - Memoirs from a Career in Beer" recounts the entertaining highlights and challen ...the world of beer, Protz has written many indispensible books on the subject and these memoirs will provide fascinating reading not just to his many fans but to all lovers of real ale. During his ...


A Womans Place Is in the Brewhouse : A Forgotten History of Alewives, Brewsters, Witches, and CEOs by Tara Nurin

Reino Unido waterintobeer

A Womans Place Is in the Brewhouse : A Forgotten History of Alewives, Brewsters, Witches, and CEOs by Tara Nurin

Dismiss the stereotype of the bearded brewer. It's women, not men, who've brewed beer throughout mo ...rs-through the earliest days of Mesopotamian civilization, the reign of Cleopatra, the witch trials of early modern Europe, and the settling of colonial America. A Woman's Place Is in the Brewhou ...


A Year in Beer by Jonny Garrett

Reino Unido waterintobeer

A Year in Beer by Jonny Garrett

We live in a worldwide boom-time for beer, but the amount of different styles to discover may feel o ...sonal activities, or the holiday calendar. Starting in the summer, then moving on to autumn, winter, and spring, each chapter of A Year in Beer: Styles for Every Season will introduce the beer st ...


American Sour Beers : Innovative Techniques for Mixed Fermentations by Michael Tonsmeire

Reino Unido waterintobeer

American Sour Beers : Innovative Techniques for Mixed Fermentations by Michael Tonsmeire

One of the most exciting and dynamic segments of today’s craft brewing scene , American-brewed sour ...ith wild yeast or fruit, aged in barrels or blended with younger beer. Craft brewers and homebrewers have adapted traditional European techniques to create some of the world’s most distinctive an ...


Beer by Design : The art of good beer branding by Pete Brown

Reino Unido waterintobeer

Beer by Design : The art of good beer branding by Pete Brown

Today in Britain there are over 2500 breweries, most of whom brew an ever-changing range of differen ...he choice can be overwhelming. People make snap decisions so quickly we don't even notice. And the design of a beer label, pump clip, bottle or can has to do a lot of work to stand out, get noti ...


Booze : River Cottage Handbook No.12 by John Wright

Reino Unido waterintobeer

Booze : River Cottage Handbook No.12 by John Wright

What could possibly beat a cool pint of beer down the pub or a lazy glass of wine at your favourite ...iver Cottage Handbook series, the inimitable John Wright shows exactly how easy it is to get started. You don't need masses of space to make alcohol at home, and if you follow the simple instruct ...


Booze for Free by Andy Hamilton

Reino Unido waterintobeer

Booze for Free by Andy Hamilton

Home brewing and wine-making is fun, easy and hugely satisfying. If you garden or forage, can follow ...follow guide will enable the beginner and inspire the expert with over 100 recipes including beer made from hops and but also yarrow, mugwort, elder and other foraged plants, great tasting wines ...


Brew a Batch : A beginners guide to home-brewed beer by Chris Sidwa

Reino Unido waterintobeer

Brew a Batch : A beginners guide to home-brewed beer by Chris Sidwa

Join the craft beer phenomenon by learning to brew and bottle your own beer, brewed the way you like ...ildly popular craft brewery Batch Brewing Co. - walks you through the entire process, from choosing the best ingredients to setting up your home brewery, a full guide to brewing techniques, even ...


Brew Beer Like a Yeti : Traditional Techniques, Recipes, and Inspiration for Unconventional Ales, Gruits, and More by Jereme Zimmerman

Reino Unido waterintobeer

Brew Beer Like a Yeti : Traditional Techniques, Recipes, and Inspiration for Unconventional Ales, Gruits, and More by Jereme Zimmerman

Experimentation, mystery, resourcefulness, and above all, fun these are the hallmarks of brewing bee ...t centuries, beer lovers have enjoyed drinking and brewing a vast array of beer styles. However, most are brewed to accentuate a single ingredient hops and few contain the myriad herbs and spices ...


Brew Better Beer by Emma Christensen

Reino Unido waterintobeer

Brew Better Beer by Emma Christensen

In this colorful homebrewing guide, The Kitchn’s Emma Christensen gives you the keys to the brewery. ...to inspired variations such as Centennial Dry-Hopped Double IPA, Campari IPA, and Smokey Chipotle Porter to discover which flavors, infusions, hops, and yeasts work best with each ale and lager. ...


Brew Like a Monk: Trappist, Abbey, and Strong Belgian Ales and How to Brew Them by Stan Hieronymus

Reino Unido waterintobeer

Brew Like a Monk: Trappist, Abbey, and Strong Belgian Ales and How to Brew Them by Stan Hieronymus

Delves into monastic brewing. This book examines methods for brewing ales suited to commercial and a ...mateur brewers.


Brewing Better Beer : Master Lesson for Advanced Homebrewers by Gordon Strong

Reino Unido waterintobeer

Brewing Better Beer : Master Lesson for Advanced Homebrewers by Gordon Strong

Brewing Better Beer is a comprehensive look at technical, practical and creative homebrewing advice ...scover techniques, philosophy, recipes and tips that will help you take your homebrew to the next level.. ...


Brewing Britain : The quest for the perfect pint by Andy Hamilton

Reino Unido waterintobeer

Brewing Britain : The quest for the perfect pint by Andy Hamilton

When bestselling UK Homebrew author Andy Hamilton began work on his new book, Brewing Britain, he em ...rduous) study of hundreds if not thousands of beers from around the country - visiting brewers, testing beer kits and, of course, brewing his own - he found that in fact there were many perfect p ...


Brewing Classic Styles : 80 Winning Recipes Anyone Can Brew by Jamil Zainasheff and John J. Palmer

Reino Unido waterintobeer

Brewing Classic Styles : 80 Winning Recipes Anyone Can Brew by Jamil Zainasheff and John J. Palmer

Homebrew and beer shop and craft beer bar in South East London. Selling all things beer - cans, bott ...les, books, homebrew equipment and ingredients. Drink on site or take away!


Britains Beer Revolution by Roger Protz and Adrian Tierney-Jones

Reino Unido waterintobeer

Britains Beer Revolution by Roger Protz and Adrian Tierney-Jones

UK brewing has seen unprecedented growth in the last decade. Breweries of all shapes and sizes are f ...British beer consumers have never had it so good and, headed by real ale, a 'craft' beer revolution is sweeping the country. CAMRA have brought together some the Britain's top beer writers a ...


CAMRA at 40 Edited by Roger Protz

Reino Unido waterintobeer

CAMRA at 40 Edited by Roger Protz

The Campaign for Real Ale is one of the largest and most successful consumer rights groups' operatin ...ers, brewing industry representatives and a host of others involved with the Campaign for Real Ale. The book charts the campaigns four decades of history and looks forward to the future of real b ...


waterintobeer gift card £10

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waterintobeer gift card £10

Gift Card to spend at www.waterintobeer.co.uk


waterintobeer gift card £25

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waterintobeer gift card £25

Gift Card to spend at www.waterintobeer.co.uk


waterintobeer gift card £50

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waterintobeer gift card £50

Gift Card to spend at www.waterintobeer.co.uk


waterintobeer gift card £100

Reino Unido waterintobeer

waterintobeer gift card £100

Gift Card to spend at www.waterintobeer.co.uk


Camras Beer Anthology : A Pub Crawl Through British Culture edited by Roger Protz

Reino Unido waterintobeer

Camras Beer Anthology : A Pub Crawl Through British Culture edited by Roger Protz

An irresistible collection of quotes about beer, pubs and drinking, edited by Roger Protz. Enjoy the ...ary beer commentators, including Melissa Cole and Brendan Kearney. The book is a treat to dip into for anyone interested in how our national drink and drinking habits have been reflected across a ...


CAMRAs Book of Beer Knowledge : Essential Wisdom for the Discerning Drinker by Jeff Evans

Reino Unido waterintobeer

CAMRAs Book of Beer Knowledge : Essential Wisdom for the Discerning Drinker by Jeff Evans

The Book of Beer Knowledge is a unique collection of entertaining trivia and essential wisdom. It is ...rld of beer from your armchair. The book details everything from the 'celebrity landlords' of soap pubs to the harsh facts behind the biggest international brewers. Find out about famous lit ...


CAMRAs Essential Home Brewing : a pocket guide to creating world beers at home by Andy Parker

Reino Unido waterintobeer

CAMRAs Essential Home Brewing : a pocket guide to creating world beers at home by Andy Parker

Real ale and other craft beers have become increasingly popular over the past few years, and as a re ... classic CAMRA title * Practical pocket-sized reference book that provides an introduction to home-brewing in an easy-to-understand way * Includes recipes from leading British and international c ...


Camras Good Beer Guide 2016

Reino Unido waterintobeer

Camras Good Beer Guide 2016

The Good Beer Guide is fully revised and updated each year and features pubs across the United Kingd ...ith listings based entirely on nomination and evaluation by CAMRA members. This means you can be sure that every one of the 4,500 pubs deserves their place, and that they all come recommended by ...


Camras Good Beer Guide 2017

Reino Unido waterintobeer

Camras Good Beer Guide 2017

Fully researched listings of 4,500 great real ale pubs, independently reviewed. Includes England, Wa ...cilities listings & opening hours. Comprehensive listings of beers, places & more than 1,250 breweries. Full-colour section of industry analysis. ...


Camras Good Beer Guide 2018

Reino Unido waterintobeer

Camras Good Beer Guide 2018

Now in a landmark 45th edition, the beer-lovers' bible is fully revised and updated each year to fea ...independent, with listings based entirely on evaluation by CAMRA members. The unique breweries section lists every brewery - micro, regional and national - that produces real ale in the UK, and t ...


Camras Home-Brewing Problem Solver by Erik Lars Myers

Reino Unido waterintobeer

Camras Home-Brewing Problem Solver by Erik Lars Myers

Real ale and other craft beers have become increasingly popular over the past few years, and as a re ...hind making beer is simple, the execution can at times seem complex and confusing. The key to bridging the gap between brewing in theory and practise is being able to spot the signs of trouble an ...


Cider Revolution! Your DIY Guide to Cider & Pet-Nat by Karl Sjostrom and Mikael Nypelius

Reino Unido waterintobeer

Cider Revolution! Your DIY Guide to Cider & Pet-Nat by Karl Sjostrom and Mikael Nypelius

After years spent working in the restaurant industry, specialising in wine and spirits, friends Karl ...end in natural wines, Karl and Mikael began to produce their own cider and pet-nat (natural sparkling wines made with minimal intervention and without added sugar) using 100% hand-picked fruit fr ...


Cooking with Beer : Use Lagers, Ipas, Wheat Beers, Stouts, and More to Create Over 65 Delicious Recipes by Mark Dredge

Reino Unido waterintobeer

Cooking with Beer : Use Lagers, Ipas, Wheat Beers, Stouts, and More to Create Over 65 Delicious Recipes by Mark Dredge

Over 65 delicious recipes using beer as a key ingredient. A beer with your food is a great thing. Bu ...y using beer as an ingredient, and that's where COOKING WITH BEER comes in. Self-confessed beer geek Mark Dredge has combined two of his passions - great brews and delicious food - to come u ...


Craft Beer World : A Guide to Over 350 of the Finest Beers Known to Man by Mark Dredge

Reino Unido waterintobeer

Craft Beer World : A Guide to Over 350 of the Finest Beers Known to Man by Mark Dredge

The last few years have seen an explosion in the popularity of craft beers across the globe, with ex ... more amazing beers available than ever before, it's hard to know which ones to choose. That's where Craft Beer World comes in. Gathering together over 300 of the most innovative and tasties ...


Craft Cider Making by Andrew Lea

Reino Unido waterintobeer

Craft Cider Making by Andrew Lea

This new edition of the best-selling Craft Cider Making is fully revised and updated. Packed with es ...etains the best of traditional practice but also draws on modern understanding of orcharding and fermentation science. Written by an award-winning cider maker, it guides beginners into the r ...


DIY Kombucha : Sparkling Homebrews Made Easy by Andrea Potter

Reino Unido waterintobeer

DIY Kombucha : Sparkling Homebrews Made Easy by Andrea Potter

Author is a fermentation expert, chef, registered holistic nutritionist and has a red seal in culina ...thods Kombucha is a fizzy fermented health drink that people are turning to as an alternative to soda This is the essential book on how to make kombucha and other fermented beverages from scratch ...


Extreme Brewing, a Deluxe Edition with 14 New Homebrew Recipes : An Introduction to Brewing Craft Beer at Home by Sam Calagione

Reino Unido waterintobeer

Extreme Brewing, a Deluxe Edition with 14 New Homebrew Recipes : An Introduction to Brewing Craft Beer at Home by Sam Calagione

Extreme Brewing is a recipe-driven resource for aspiring home brewers who want to recreate specialty ...es are malt syrup based (the simplest brewing method) with variations for partial grain brewing. While recipes are included for classic beer styles -ales and lagers-Extreme Brewing has a unique e ...


First Steps in Wine Making by C.J.J. Berry

Reino Unido waterintobeer

First Steps in Wine Making by C.J.J. Berry

Over 3 million beginners have been happily launched into the fascinating hobby of winemaking by the ...ted introduction to the craft. It provides over 130 detailed recipes, all arranged in the months of their making, so that you can pursue your winemaking all year round. Wines from fruits, flowers ...


For the Love of Hops : The Practical Guide to Aroma, Bitterness & the Culture of Hops by Stan Hieronymus

Reino Unido waterintobeer

For the Love of Hops : The Practical Guide to Aroma, Bitterness & the Culture of Hops by Stan Hieronymus

Stan Hieronymus expertly explains the nature of hops, their origins, hop quality and utilization--an ...d even devotes an entire chapter to dry hopping. For the Love of Hops also includes a reference catalogue of more than 100 varieties and their characteristics.


Fuzzy Logic by Tom Waine

Reino Unido waterintobeer

Fuzzy Logic by Tom Waine

This is a collection of intriguing nonsense devised or overheard in the pub. Whether you experience ...e imbibing your favourite session beer, this book is full of smart ideas, fully-formed theories - and sheer rubbish. ...


Gardening for the Homebrewer : Plants for Making Beer, Wine, Gruit, Cider, Perry, and More by Wendy Tweten and Debbie Teashon

Reino Unido waterintobeer

Gardening for the Homebrewer : Plants for Making Beer, Wine, Gruit, Cider, Perry, and More by Wendy Tweten and Debbie Teashon

There's no feeling quite like cooking with home-grown carrots or grabbing a fresh handful of cilantr ... Gardening for the Homebrewer is an introduction to the wide variety of plants that you can use for fermentations or infusions. Learn how to tell if your yard is a perfect site for barley or whet ...


Welcome to waterintobeer, London’s local homebrew store. Also selling over 200 beers to drink in or takeaway!