La Tarragonina 08-04-19 La Tarragonina és una cervesa molt aromàtica i complexe de tonalitat groguenca clara i dotada d’uns reflexes verdosos molt característics d’aquest producte. De sabor suau, es tracta d’un estil que permet ser degustat a ... 5,3Golden AleAñade un Comentario o Imagen
La Castellera Dos de Nou 28-03-19 Dos de Nou
Aquesta cervesa és una Indian Pale Ale -IPA- que no us deixarà indiferents. Es tracta d’una cervesa perfecta pels més exigents, de ben segur us sorprendrà. El nom d’aquesta cervesa és Dos de Nou ja que ... 6,880 IBUIndia Pale AleAñade un Comentario o Imagen
To Øl Winter Wonderland 14-03-19 Winter Wonderland
Classically hoppy with a clean, crisp unapologetically wheaty body.
Winter Wonderland by To Øl is a classic hoppy Wheat Ale with a clean, crisp unapologetically wheaty body. To Øl spent all year tinkering with the recipe to create ... 6,2White IPAAñade un Comentario o Imagen
Ginette Natural Christmas 14-03-19 Ginette Natural Christmas
Jammy malts and a pleasing spicy, woody hops profile make this Organic brew an absolute pleasure.
From the spiritual home of Strong Dark Ales, Ginette’s offering brewed only for Beery Christmas 2017 is a true classic of the genre. ... 8,5Christmas-Winter Specialty Spiced BeerAñade un Comentario o Imagen
Ridgeway IPA 04-03-19 Our best seller, this bottle conditioned, hopped IPA is intensely floral, with wine-like tannin and hop resins to the fore. However, allowed to ‘age’ and the tannin will almost disappear with the floral hop being replaced by a more subtle spicy ... 5,5IPA OtrosAñade un Comentario o Imagen
Maisel & Friends Citrilla 03-03-19 Citrilla
If an American IPA and a Bavarian Weissbier ever got together and had a lovechild, this would be it: A sun-kissed blonde beauty of fruity goodness. Even before your first sip, a blast of fruit hits you with hoppy pineapple, lime and citrus, along with ... 637 IBUWhite IPAAñade un Comentario o Imagen
Edelmeister Pilsener 07-02-19 An excellent choice for those who value the classic, are looking for a refined taste, mild bitterness and a noble hop aroma within a beautifully clear, golden beer.
The combination of bright Pilsner malt, hops and good quality water has resulted in a light ... 4,5LagerAñade un Comentario o Imagen
Odo de Randulf 1055 18-01-19 Odo de Randulf 1055 Bohemian Pilsen
Odo de Randulf és una cervesa artesana sense gluten de llarga maduració a temperatures baixes. D’estil lager, bohemian pilsen.
Maltosa amb final rodó, equilibrada i refrescant. Amb aromes i sabors ... 5,3Bohemian PilsenerAñade un Comentario o Imagen
Ambar Mari Castaña 14-01-19 Mari Castaña es el resultado de la octava y última propuesta de la colección Ambiciosas para este año 2018.
Una propuesta otoñal con maltas braseadas a la leña de sarmiento y harina de castañas del Bierzo que ... 5,7Spice, Herb o Vegetable BeerAñade un Comentario o Imagen
O’Hara’s Winter Star 05-01-19 Winter Ale
Spiced Rye Pale Ale
In our 2016 edition, rye has stepped in as the defining malt character. The rye gives a natural breadiness and spiciness to the beer. These characteristics of rye superbly complement the cinammon and orange zest that were added ... 530 IBUSpice, Herb o Vegetable BeerAñade un Comentario o Imagen
Lancaster Bomber 13-12-18 Lancaster Bomber
A multi-award winning ale that pays tribute to the Avro Lancaster and is quite simply the ’Best of British’ beer. A classic English ale, chestnut in colour with a lovely full-bodied flavour, enriched with a wonderful late hop character. ... 4,4Standard-Ordinary BitterAñade un Comentario o Imagen
Brakspear Bitter 09-12-18 Brakspear Bitter is ideal with foods such as fish and chips, Ploughmans lunch and mature English cheeses.
The quintessential Oxfordshire beer is famed for its strength and depth of flavour at a sessionable 3.4% abv.
Brewed using the original Henley Brakspear ... 3,4Standard-Ordinary BitterAñade un Comentario o Imagen
Bavaria 8.6 Red 26-11-18 La 8·6 Red se elabora sin aromas ni colores artificiales. Simplemente se utiliza malta de cebada, trigo y lúpulos completamente naturales y de alta calidad con agua mineral natural del manantial propio de Bavaria. El resultado es un cerveza sorprendentemente ... 7,918 IBULagerAñade un Comentario o Imagen
Carrefour Especial 22-11-18 Carrefour Especial
Agua, malta de cebada, maíz, cebada, lúpulo, colorante: caramelo amónico, estabilizante: alginato de propano-1,2-diol
Contiene: Cereales que contienen gluten
5,6LagerAñade un Comentario o Imagen
Innis & Gunn Gunpowder IPA 22-11-18 Gunpowder IPA
Our IPA is an explosion of aromas from Cascade, Centennial and Mandarina hops. Think orange, grapefruit and pine turned up to eleven. Its fully charged, hoppy character is perfectly balanced by a sweetness from the Munich malt. 5,6India Pale AleAñade un Comentario o Imagen
Guinness Nitro IPA 14-11-18 Guinness Nitro IPA is everything you’d want from an IPA balanced with everything you’d expect from Guinness. Using our peerless expertise in nitrogenation, we’ve re-imagined the IPA to create a smoother, creamier texure and a whole new way ... 5,8India Pale AleAñade un Comentario o Imagen
Ringwood Razorback 13-11-18 Razorback - Razor Back
An ideal balance of hoppy happiness and tangy citrus, our classic Razorback is plenty refreshing to hit the spot.
The perfect supping beer. Our first brew and still a favourite tipple.
Nose: Tempting hop aroma with fruit ... 3,6AleAñade un Comentario o Imagen
Cocina con cerveza con Mahou y Thermomix. Cocina con cerveza es una colección de recetas en la que esta bebida refrescante participa como ingrediente o como acompañante. En la primera parte de libro encontramos recetas que se ...
Petham Golding (Lúpulo). Lúpulo: Petham GoldingPaís: U.K.Alfa Ácidos: 6,90%Beta Ácidos: 2,00%Conservación (6 meses a 20º): 57,00%Estilo Típico: Porter, Stout, Pale AleSabor/Aroma Típicos: Especiado, terroso, herbalPosibles ...