Cantina Brassicola Digitale
Descrizione Tommie Sjef Kriek è l’intepretazione dell’omonimo stile diffuso in Pajotten ...anee di 1 e 2 anni. Le ciliegie si sprigionano nell’aroma, insieme a un pizzico di cannella e mandorla. È un aroma abbastanza pulito, con solo un pizzico di funk. Al gusto note di fru ...
23,84 €
The Cat In The Glass
Tommie Sjef Kriek [For collections ONLY]
Description Kriek is made with organic sour cherries. Our interpretation of this classic ...e cherries where macerated and fermented in the beer for over half a year in a red wine foeder. We used 375 grams of cherries per liter of beer. The cherries pop out in the aroma, together with ...
Belgian Whalez
Kriek is made with organic sour cherries. Our interpretation of this classic style is a blend of dif ...ed and fermented in the beer for over half a year in a red wine foeder. We used 375 grams of cherries per liter of beer. ...