Ghost Whale
Dugges - Asteroid - 6.5% (500ml)
"An asteriod is a minor planet of the inner Solar System. Sizes and shapes of asteroids vary si ... atmorphere. Fly-by! Over quite a few brews of different IPAs, we've been trying to perfect this idea of a beer that is 6,5% ...
Sin Stock
Beer Butik
Dugges Bryggeri - Asteroid 500ml can 6,5% alc.
Asteroid je malá planeta vnitřní sluneční soustavy. Velikosti a tvary asteroidů se výrazně liší, od ...m několika várek různých IPA jsme se snažili zdokonalit tuto myšlenku piva, které má 6,5 % obj. a tekuté slunce. I když je dokonalost pomíjivá, protože cíl se neustále pohybuje, víme, že ho pravd ...
Sin Stock
Temple Cellars
Dugges Asteroid New England IPA
Sweden6.5% Liquid sunshine! The aromas and flavors include tropical fruits, citrus, spicy mango, pin ...!An asteriod is a minor planet of the inner Solar System. Sizes and shapes of asteroids vary significantly, ranging from ...
Sin Stock
Beer Force
Hazy IPA | 500ml | ABV 6.5% An asteroid is a minor planet of the inner Solar System. Sizes and shape ...ameter. Bodies with no atmosphere. Fly-by! Over quite a few brews of different IPAs, we've been trying to perfect this i ...
Sin Stock