De Biersalon
Wild Creatures Blanc de Brute (2019)
Blanc de Brute is a blend of two-year-old spontaneous brews that then spent over a year with selecte ...d white grapes. Pinot Blanc and Solaris from local vineyards provide it with a gentle, harmonious taste combining the best from the realms of wine and beer.
20,99 €
Just in Beer
Wild Creatures - Blanc de Brute 2019
Blanc de Brute is a blend of two-year-old spontaneous brews that then spent over a year with selecte ...d white grapes. Pinot Blanc and Solaris from local vineyards provide it with a gentle, harmonious taste combining the best from the realms of wine and beer
23,95 €
Pivní lednice
Wild Creatures Blanc de Brute 2019 17°9% 0,7l
Piva s bílými hrozny moc často do světa nepouštíme. Blanc je vymazlený dlouhýma rokama strávenými v ... Je to pivo, které došlo tak daleko na pomyslnou hranici vína, jak to jenom šlo. Lahodně vinné, sluší mu velmi jemné perlení. Blanc de Brute is a blend of two-year-old spontaneous brews that the ...
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