9,95 €
Drekker Braaaaaaaains - Blueberry, Orange, Guava
Zuurbier | 6,6% | 47,3cl | Untappd: 4,24 | Amerika
Sin Stock
Drekker - Braaaaaaaains - Blueberry, Orange, Guava
Drekker loaded this Braaaaaaaains up with blueberry, orange and guava and then hit it with their dou ...ble secret smoothie treatment of sea salt, lactose and va...
Sin Stock
Armazém da Cerveja
Drekker Brewing Company Braaaaaaaains - Blueberry, Orange, Guava
47,3 cl, 6.6% ABV, Sour - Smoothie / Pastry "We loaded this Braaaaaaaains up with Blueberry, Orange ..., and Guava then hit it with our double secret smoothie treatment of sea salt, lactose, and vanilla for a flippin tasty combo of fruity flavors." by Drekker
Sin Stock
Drekker Brewing Co Braaaaaaaains Blueberry Orange Guava
“We loaded this Braaaaaaaains up with Blueberry, Orange, and Guava then hit it with our double ... secret smoothie treatment of sea salt, lactose, and vanilla for a flippin tasty combo of fruity flavors.”
Sin Stock
Drekker Brewing Company Drekker Brewing Company - Braaaaaaaains - Blueberry, Orange, Guava
Sour - Smoothie | Untappd: 4.23
Sin Stock
Little Beershop
Drekker Drekker - Braaaaaaaains - Blueberry Orange Guava
Deze editie van Braaaaaaaains is volgestouwd met blauwe bessen, guave en sinaasappel. Het zuurtje is ... gebalanceerd door de toevoeging van vanille, zeezout en lac
Sin Stock
Hop Craft Beers
Drekker Brewing Company - Braaaaaaaains - Blueberry, Orange, Guava
€9,95 | 440ml | Sour - Smoothie / Pastry | ABV: 6,6% | ☆ 4,24 About Braaaaaaaains - Blueberry, Orang ...e secret smoothie treatment of sea salt, lactose, and vanilla for a flippin tasty combo of fruity flavors.⠀ About Drekke ...
Sin Stock
Half Time
Drekker Brewing Braaaaaaaains - Blueberry, Orange, Guava
We loaded this Braaaaaaaains up with Blueberry, Orange, and Guava then hit it with our double secret ... smoothie treatment of sea salt, lactose, and vanilla for a flippin tasty combo of fruity flavors.
Sin Stock