The Beer Cow
Solo las frutas más soleadas disponibles fueron lo suficientemente buenas para este agridulce afruta ...completa y una carbonatación generosa, ¡también es refrescantemente seco! Estilo: Sour Ale | Cervecería: Omnipollo | Procedencia: Suecia | ABV: 6% | Vol: 330ml | IBUs: n/a ...
Sin Stock
Only the sunniest fruits available were good enough for this fruited sour, with enough oranges and p ... refreshingly dry! 33 cl can. Short date/just out of date. Mid november but being a fruit intense beer it will keep tasting great. Henok Sour, 6 % by vol. Brewed at De Proefbrouwerij in Belg ...
Sin Stock
Omnipollo Sunshine Sour 33 Cl. (lattina)
Produttore: Omnipollo Stile: Sour-Wild Ale Sapore: Acidulo Grado Alcolico: 6,00%
Sin Stock
Beer Shop HQ
Country: SE | Style: Sour | Size: 330ml | %ABV: 6 From Omnipollo: Only the sunniest fruits availabl ...e were good enough for this fruited sour, with enough oranges and pineapples to light up a room. With the help of full fermentation and generous carbonation, it’s also refreshingly dry!
Sin Stock
Only the sunniest fruits available were good enough for this fruited sour, with enough oranges and p ...ineapples to light up a room. With the help of full fermentation and generous carbonation, it’s also refreshingly dry! Size: 330ml ABV: 6.0%
Sin Stock
Ananászos, narancsos savanyú sör. A savanyú sör olyan sör, amelynek szándékosan savanyú, sav ...nd vörös sörök, valamint a német gose. A savanyú sörök úgy készülnek, hogy vadélesztő törzseket vagy baktériumokat engednek a főzetbe, majd felforralják a sörlevet, hogy elpusztuljanak ezek a bak ...
Sin Stock
*Precio por pieza Mililitros: 330ml Alc.Vol.: 6% ...Estilo: Sour Pais: Suecia Cerveceria: Omnipollo
Sin Stock
Hop Craft Beers
Prijs: € 5,75Formaat: 330ml (blik)Stijl: SOURAlcoholpercentage: 6,0%Untapped: 3,75🌟 Over Omnipollo ...e bedenken hun recepten thuis en reizen naar verschillende brouwerijen over de hele wereld om hun ales te maken. Hun amb ...
Sin Stock
Goblet Beer Store
Omnipollo - SUNSHINE SOUR 330ml
ABV: 6% IBU: N/A STYLE: Sour - Fruited Only the sunniest fruits available were good enough for this ... fruited sour, with enough oranges and pineapples to light up a room. With the help of full fermentation and generous carbonation, it’s also refreshingly dry!
Sin Stock