5,50 €
3er Tiempo Tienda de Cervezas
Descripción Productor: Collective Arts Brewing Tipo: Sour Fruited con Fresas, Moras, Bayas de Acai, ... Plátano, Granola y Azúcar de Leche Color: Granate Claro % Alcohol: 5,6 Cantidad: 47,3 cl. País: Canadá
Sin Stock
Birre da Manicomio
La Collective Arts Smoothie Sour è un vero frullato a base di birra (sour): frutti di bosco, banana, ... muslei e lattosio, il tutto esaltato da una brillante acidità.
Sin Stock
Beer Republic
Collective Arts Smoothie Sour With: Açaí, Strawberries, Blackberries, Banana & Granola
This sour has everything you'd find in your favourite morning smoothie bowl! We might not be abl ...ate breakfast-esque Smoothie Sour. Strawberries, Blackberries, Acai Berries, Banana, Granola and Milk sugar, all heightened with bright acidity. ...
Sin Stock
Craftbeer Shop
Collective Arts Smoothie Sour Granola 0,473l
Das Collective Arts Smoothie Sour aus der kanadischen Brauerei steckt voller fruchtiger Noten! Jetzt ... Bier aus Kanada bestellen!
Sin Stock
La Mise en Bière
Collective Arts Collective Arts - Smoothie Sour - 5.6% - 47.3cl - Can
Sin Stock
Craft Central
This sour has everything you'd find in your favourite morning smoothie bowl! We might not be abl ...ate breakfast-esque Smoothie Sour. Strawberries, Blackberries, Acai Berries, Banana, Granola and Milk sugar, all heightened ...
Sin Stock
Collective Arts Smoothie Sour With: Acaí, Strawberries, Blackberries, Banana & Granola 0,473L
Acai bowl dobozva töltve: eper, szeder, acai bogyó, banán, granola és laktóz kombinációja egy Smooth ...hagyományos savanyú sörök közé tartoznak a belga lambic, a gueuze, a flamand vörös sörök, valamint a német gose. A savanyú sörök úgy készülnek, hogy vadélesztő törzseket vagy baktériumokat engedn ...
Sin Stock
Yards & Crafts
473ml CanHamilton, Ontario 5.6% ABV No IBU Rating: 3.96/5 7,382 Ratings This sour has everything you ...'d find in your favourite morning smoothie bowl! We might not be able to say...
Sin Stock
Little Beershop
Dit zuurtje heeft alles wat je zou vinden in je favoriete ochtend smoothie bowl! Aardbeien, bramen, ...acaibessen, banaan, muesli en melksuiker, allemaal versterkt
Sin Stock
Craft Beer Dealer
Smoothie Sour (w Açaí, Strawberries, Blackberries, Banana & Granola)
This sour has everything you'd find in your favourite morning smoothie bowl! We might not be ab ...le to say this beer is exactly healthy, but we put all the good-for-you ingredients into this legitimate breakfast-esque Smoothie Sour.
Sin Stock