Farringtons Bohemian Pils 44cl Can 4.4%
Farringtons Bohemian-style Lager has a subtle malt base, balanced with noble hop bitterness and the ...signature taste of Czech Saaz hops giving it a spicy, earthy aroma,finishing with a clean, crisp taste.
3,50 €
Martins Off Licence
Farringtons Bohemian Pils 4.4% ABV 440ml Can
Farringtons Bohemian-style Lager has a subtle malt base, balanced with noble hop bitterness and t ...he signature taste of Czech Saaz hops giving it a spicy, earthy aroma,finishing with a clean, crisp taste.
Sin Stock
The Crú - The Beer Club
Farringtons Brewery Bohemian Pils 44Cl 4.4%
Farringtons Brewery Bohemian Pils 44Cl 4.4%
Sin Stock
Craft Central
Farringtons Brewery Bohemian Pils
Our Bohemian-style Lager has a subtle malt base, balanced with noble hop bitterness and the signatur ...e taste of Czech Saaz hops giving it a spicy, earthy aroma,finishing with a clean, crisp taste. Saaz
Sin Stock