Thirsty Cambridge
Kutna Hora Gold Lager 4.9% 500ml
A full-bodied lager with higher but absolutely delicious bitterness. Pleasantly grassy with a superb ... finish on the palate. This beer is a proud flagship brew, to be appreciated by real beer connoisseurs.
Beers of Europe
Kutna Hora Zlata 12 is a Czech Pilsener from Kutna Hora Brewery in Czech Republic. The brewery is lo ...he 15th century. The brewery has a stellar reputation for brewing high-quality, Real Bohemian lagers according to the traditional methods. Kutna Hora Zlata 12, or ‘Gold Lager’ is slig ...
Sin Stock
Sklep Impuls
Prawidłowo warzony lager najwyższej jakości potrzebuje czasu na dojrzewanie, a także czasu, aby cies ...smakiem i pełną treściwością na języku. Browarnik Jakub Hájek ma po prostu złote czeskie ręce. ...
Sin Stock
Dead Time Beers
Kutna Hora Gold 12* : Premium Pilsner
Strong Pilsner Full bodied Pilsner, with a higher bitterness than usual and a grassy Czech hoppiness ... 4.9% ABV50cl BottleVegan
Sin Stock