Dexter & Jones
Craft Beer: Holy Goat - Goatfuzz Fresh Craft Beer from our Bottle Shop and Taproom: This beer contai ...three months in stainless. This was blended with a golden sour ale aged in oak wine barrels for two years, originally brewed by our friends at Fierce Brewing in Aberdeen. The blended beer was ref ...
The Beerhive
Brewed with locally grown malted barley, wheat and oats. We primary fermented this golden base with ...without fruit or hops to showcase the super intense aromatics of this fermentation method and culture. Punchy tropical aromas of passionfruit, mango, pineapple and lychee are abundant, along w ...
Holy Goat Brewing
Mixed Fermentation Golden Sour Brewed with locally grown malted barley, wheat and oats. We primar stainless steel. We left this beer without fruit or hop s to showcase the super intense aromatics of this fermentation met hod and culture. Punchy trop ical aromas of passionfruit, mang ...
Mixed Fermentation Golden Sour Brewed with locally grown malted barley, wheat and oats. We primary f steel. We left this beer without fruit or hops to showcase the super intense aromatics of this fermentation method an ...