La Domadora y el León
Funky Fluid Splash White 3,6% 50cl.
Gose con frutas 3,6% Lata 50cl. Varsovia, Polonia
5,20 €
Funky Fluid Splash White Double Fruited Gose White Guava Lychee
Browar : Funky Fluid Styl / Style: Double Fruited Gose White Guava Lychee Ekstrakt / BLG: 11 Alkohol ... / ABV: 3,6% Opakowanie / Size: 0,5l puszka
Funky Fluid Splash White Double Fruited Gose
Double fruited gose with lychee and white guava. Size: 500ml ABV: 3.6%
Sin Stock
Ghost Whale
Funky Fluid - Splash: White - 3.6% (500ml)
"Double Fruited Gose w. lychee & white guava."
Sin Stock
Funky Fluid Splash: White 0,5L
Textúrálisan izgalmas Gose, amit duplán gyümölcsöztek licsivel és fehér guavával. A Gose egy tra ...ásványi anyag tartalma igen magas volt a környékbeli sóbányáknak köszönhetően, így a belőle főzött sör sóssá vált, ez adta egyediségét.A gose a németországi Goslarból származik. Általában úgy főz ...
Sin Stock
The Epicurean
Funky Fluid, White Splash, Double Fruited Gose, 3.6%, 500ml
Shop and buy online our fine selection of craft beers, lagers and ciders from around the world inclu ...ding Britain, America, Belgium, Germany and gluten free.
Sin Stock
Funky Fluid Splash: White 50cl
Funky Fluid – Splash: White 50cl Double Fruited Gose w. lychee & white guava 3.6% ABV
Sin Stock
La Domadora y el León
Funky Fluid Splash White 3,6% 50cl.
Double Fruited Gose con lichy y guayaba blanca
Sin Stock
Beer Butik
FUNKY FLUID - 11°Splash: White 0,5l can 3,6% alc. Složení: Voda, ječný, pšeničný slad, ovesné ..., pšeničné vločky, chmel, kvasnice. Obsahuje lepek. Legislativní označení: Pivo světlé silné. Dovozce: Ninabar s.r.o. Šimáčkova 3 62800 Brno
Sin Stock
Bath Road Beers
Description 3.6% ABV 440ml “Double Fruited Gose with lychee & white guava.”
Sin Stock
The Triangle
Funky Fluid - Splash: White - 3.6% Double Fruited Gose - 500ml Can
3.6% Double Fruited Gose 500ml Can Double Fruited Gose with Lychee & White Guava
Sin Stock
Pivní lednice
Funky Fluid Splash: White 11°3,6% 0,5l *
Double Fruited Gose w. lychee & white guava. 11 blg
Sin Stock
Triple Brew
Splash:White tantalizes the taste buds with a burst of tropical goodness. This fruited Gose combines ...shing symphony of flavors, with juicy notes of white guava dancing alongside the exotic essence of lychee. Perfectly balanced and endlessly satisfying, Splash:White is a delicious adventure for y ...
Sin Stock