Abbeydale Daily Bread 3.8% (440ml can)
Daily Bread is our take on a classic English Bitter. Copper coloured, well balanced malty flavours a ...nd a smooth bitter finish.
Abbeydale Brewery
Abbeydale Daily Bread 72 pint Cask 3.8%
Description A full, 40 litre, 72 pint cask of Daily Bread – our take on a classic English bit ...Fuggles hops for subtle flavours, enhanced with a touch of Columbus and Bobek. Once opened consume within 3 days. Store between 10 & 12°C for optimum condition. Delivery costs include a £72 ...
Abbeydale Brewery
Description Our take on a classic English bitter: copper coloured, well balanced, malty flavours an ...d a smooth bitter finish, using British grown Fuggles hops for subtle flavours, enhanced with a touch of Columbus and Bobek.
(12x1.25) £15.00
Craft Metropolis
Abbeydale Brewery Daily Bread Bitter THE BREWERY SAYS: Our take on a classic English bitter: copper ...s for subtle flavours, enhanced with a touch of Columbus and Bobek. 3.8% ABV Container size: 440ml can ...
Sin Stock