Etre Gourmet
"This series of four herbal beers is dedicated to the seasons. Each beer stands for a particular sea ...son, so you can drink your way through the year. In summer we foraged wormwood, which lend the beer its citrusy aroma and bitterness. This blend matured on average 10 month in red wine barrels."
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Hops Club
Un Gruit Saison brasat cu pelin din Munsterland. Pelinul a fost folosit la brasarea blendurilor de G .... Cele zece luni de baricare în butoaie de vin roşu şi fermentare cu drojdia de casă completează aroma berii. Summer face parte din seria de beri de tip gruit de la Kemker Kultuur, iar fiecare a ...
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Cantina Brassicola Digitale
Descrizione Come ormai sappiamo Brauerei Kemker ha sempre un occhio di riguardo nei confronti delle ...questa ragione ha ideato una linea di 4 prodotti, 4 come le stagioni in un anno: Inverno, Primavera, Estate ed Autunno. Si tratta di una linea di Grut realizzati mediante l’utilizzo di er ...
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Bier Atelier Renes
Grote bloemenneus, bergbloemen, witte bloemen, citroenachtig. Vergelijkbaar gehemelte, lichte, witte ... bloemen, lichte citrus. Lichte zuurgraad. Bierstijl: Gruit Alcoholpercentage: 6,0% Land: Duitsland/Germany Inhoud: 750ml Allergenen: Gluten Untappd:
Sin Stock
Gedeelde Vreugde
Beschrijving This series of four herbal beers is dedicated to the seasons. Each beer stands for a p ...articular season, so you can drink your way through the year. 75cl – 6%
Sin Stock
Rodinný pivovar Zichovec
Divoký gruit, který zrál ve starém dřevě společně se směsí bylinek, ve které dominuje pelyněk pravý. ... Ten můžete znát spíše z absinthu, i zde se ale stará o parádní výraznou chuť.
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