Belgas Online SPONSOR
3 Fonteinen 3F Golden Blend 2122 #55 37,5cl
Oude geuze, 60% lambic de dos años y casi 40% de cinco años
12,00 €
The Beer Cellar
3 Fonteinen Golden Blend Season 2122 Blend No. 55 375ml
For this Oude Geuze Golden Blend we blended lambikken that originate from three different barrels an ...that we used two- and five-year old lambikken only, and finished it with some freshly brewed lambik wort for the push in ...
3 Fonteinen Golden Blend S2122 B55 0,375L
Csak kettő és öt éves lambikok blendejéből készült. A blendél 60-40% az aránya a két éves részére; e ...vanyú sörtípus, amely több évjáratú lambic keveréke, mondhatni ezeknek a csúcsa. Itt a frissebb lambicot (~fél éves) keverik öregebb (2-3 éves) lambic sörökkel. Ezt a folyamatot nevezzük blendelé ...
8.350 Ft
Bereta Brewing Co.
3 Fonteinen - Oude Geuze Golden Blend 2122 Blend No. 55
Bere - Lambic - Gueuze ...1-22-blend-no-55/5317907
Sin Stock
Gedeelde Vreugde
Geuze Gueuze 3 Fonteinen Golden Blend (season 2122) Blend No. 55 37,5cl
Beschrijving bottle date: 25/03/2022. For this Oude Geuze Golden Blend we blended lambikken that o ...olden Blend is particular in that sense that we used two- and five-year old lambikken only, and finished it with some freshly brewed lambik wort for the push in the bottle. Since a good 60% is tw ...
Sin Stock
Just in Beer
Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen - 3 Fonteinen Golden Blend (season 2122) Blend No. 55
bottle date: 25/03/2022. For this Oude Geuze Golden Blend we blended lambikken that originate fro ...m three different barrels and four different brews, with three different brewers. This Golden Blend is particular in that sense that we used two- and five-
Sin Stock
Dokter Bier
Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen 3 Fonteinen Golden Blend (season 2122) Blend No. 55
bottle date: 25/03/2022. For this Oude Geuze Golden Blend we blended lambikken that originate fro ...m three different barrels and four different brews, with three different brewers. This Golden Blend is particular in that sense that we used two- and five-
Sin Stock