Quaff Webshop
Mortalis x Other Half The Fillings Are Mutual Smoothie Sour New York Grape Pie 6%
Smoothie Sour d’inspiration New York Grape Pie. Ajouts : raisin concord, crumble (contient du .... Brassée en collaboration avec Other Half (USA). Brasserie Mortalis Origine USA Style Smoothie Sour Alcool 6% Volume 47,3 cl DDM 09/2025 Untappd Voir les notes ...
12,90 €
Mortalis x Other Half The Fillings Are Mutual
This Fruited Smoothie Sour was brewed in collaboration with our good friends on the other side of Li ...a and coconut) to emulate flavors of the iconic New York grape pie. With help from Cindy’s Pie in Naples, NY we were abl ...
Sin Stock
Mortalis The Fillings Are Mutual (collab with Other Half) 0,473L Can
A new yorki szőlő pite megtesesülése. Konkord szőlő és granola támogjata az ízek összeállását. Pastr ...re főznek, és gyakran nem erjeszthető cukrokkal, például dextrózzal és laktózzal készül (ezeket azért nevezik nem erjeszthetőnek, mert az élesztő nem eszi fel őket, és nem alakítja át alkohollá). ...
Sin Stock
Craft Metropolis
Mortalis Other Half The Fillings Are Mutual
THE BREWERY SAYS: This Fruited Smoothie Sour was brewed in collaboration with our good friends on t ...nt (contains granola and coconut) to emulate flavors of the iconic New York grape pie. With help from Cindy’s Pie in Naples, NY we were able to replicate a delicious treat in liquid form! 6% ABV ...
Sin Stock
Mortalis Brewing Company collab Other Half Brewing Co. - The Fillings Are Mutual
Sour - Smoothie | Untappd: 4.37
Sin Stock
Mortalis x Other Half The Fillings Are Mutual
Sour – Smoothie / Pastry Collaboration with Other Half Brewing Co. Our base Sour received conc ...ord grapes and our crumble treatment (contains granola and coconut) to emulate flavors of the iconic New York grape pie. Alc. 6% Volume: 473 ml
Sin Stock
Mortalis Brewing Company The Fillings Are Mutual Pastry Sour x Other Half
This Fruited Smoothie Sour was created with good friends on the opposite end of Lima, Other Half. Le ...d (which features granola and coconut) to mirror the taste of the timeless New York Grape Pie. With the help of Cindy's Pie from Naples, NY an authentic and delicious cold beverage was brought to ...
Sin Stock
Best Of Beers
Mortalis, The Fillings Are Mutual, Sour Ale, Grapes, Granola, Coconut, 0,473 l. 6,0%
Sin Stock
Ales & Brews
Mortalis The Fillings Are Mutual (Other Half Collab)
Mortalis - The Fillings Are Mutual (Other Half Collab) en riktigt fin sour-collab med Other Half som ... somrig Smoothie pastry sour med granola, vindruvor och en liten touch av kokos i eftersmaken. En riktigt god sour som mättar vilken mage som helst efter en träningspass. ...
Sin Stock
Half Time
Mortalis Brewing The Fillings Are Mutual
This Fruited Sour was brewed in collaboration with our good friends on the other side of Lima, Other ...onut) to emulate flavors of the iconic New York grape pie. With help from Cindy’s Pie in Naples, NY we were able to replicate a delicious treat in liquid form! ...
Sin Stock
Brew Export
Mortalis Brewing Company. The Fillings are Mutual [Collab w Other Half]
Description: This Fruited Sour was brewed in collaboration with our good friends on the other side o ...anola and coconut) to emulate flavors of the iconic New York grape pie. With help from Cindy’s Pie in Naples, NY we were able to replicate a delicious treat in liquid form! ABV: 6 % Style: Smo ...
Sin Stock
Hidden Beers
Una cerveza SOUR con agregado de uvas, granola y coco. 6% de alcohol y mucho sabor.
Sin Stock