Sweeney’s D3
Full of character, Mc CHOUFFE delights lovers of dark beer all over the world. Its distinctive flavo ...rised by its spicy aniseed and liquorice flavours, superbly complemented by full-bodied caramel notes. Despite its robustness, Mc CHOUFFE is surprisingly smooth. It even reveals delicious fruity ...
Sin Stock
Mc Chouffe tume õlu alk.8.0% 330ml Belgia
Värvus: sügav tumepruun, hägune. Aroom: linnastest tulenev karamell, kuivatatud ploom, rosin, puuvil ...1970ndatel kahe mehe Pierre Gobron ja Chris Bauweraerts hobina alanud õllepruulimine eskaleerus 1982.aastal esimese nö „ametliku“ õlle valmimisega- La Chouffe, tuntud ka oma päkipikutemaatika poo ...
Sin Stock
Värvus: sügav tumepruun, hägune Aroom: linnastest tulenev karamell, kuivatatud ploom, rosin, puuvilj ...houffe on filtreerimata, tume, vürtsikas, kange õlu- teda võib määratleda klassikalise Belgia abbey dubbel kategooria- kui ka šoti ale-tüübi alla. Serveerimistemperatuur: 6 – 10 °C ...
Sin Stock
Brussels Beer Box
Chouffe | Noire Mac Chouffe 8% 24x33cl
Découvrez la bière belge Mac Chouffe de la brasserie Chouffe. Fondée en 1982 dans les Ardennes belge ...fe, la Houblon Chouffe et la Mc Chouffe. La Mac Chouffe est une bière noire avec un taux d'alcool de 8.0%. Un taux habituel pour les bières Chouffes qui sont toutes assez fortes en alcool. ...
Sin Stock
Mc Chouffe 8° Deep dark murky brown color, small, but simmering, tan head. Aroma: mollasses, nuts, ...thfeel, full body, tingly hops. Super-charged with hops, the flavor keeps on coming, simmers and stews, with a long lasting, rich, satisfying finish! Takes the cake for all brown ales everywhere, ...
Sin Stock
Cork & Cask
Description Mc Chouffe is a popular Belgian dark ale, which is from the Ardenne region of the count ...bottle. It pours copper in colour and has a slight haze to it in appearance. It has a sweet fruity aroma, as do many Belgian beers, and the flavour is just as sweet, although hints of cinnamon, ...
Sin Stock
The Great Beer Experiment
BEER STYLE: Belgian Strong Dark Ale BEER TYPE: Ale ALCOHOL: 8.0% VOLUME: 330 ml BREWERY: Chouffe CO ...UNTRY: Belgium BREWERY TASTING NOTES:Full of ch...
Sin Stock
Voldby Købmandsgaard
Mr Chouffe Brune Bruin Belgian Strong Dark Ale 330ml 8%
Sin Stock
Otherworld Brewing ( antigua duplicada)
Description Mc Chouffe is a popular Belgian dark ale, which is from the Ardenne region of the count ...bottle. It pours copper in colour and has a slight haze to it in appearance. It has a sweet fruity aroma, as do many Belgian beers, and the flavour is just as sweet, although hints of cinnamon, ...
Sin Stock
Beer Ritz
McChouffe Sleeping Chouffe-y BB 30.12.23 8.0%
Achouffe Mcchouffe Sleeping Chouffe-Y BB 30.12.23
Sin Stock
Keg, Cask & Bottle
Full of character, Mc CHOUFFE delights lovers of dark beer all over the world. Its distinctive flavo ...rised by its spicy aniseed and liquorice flavours, superbly complemented by full-bodied caramel notes. Despite its robus ...
Sin Stock
Luekens Wine & Spirits
Brasserie Mc Chouffe Belgian Brown Ale 11.2oz 4pk Btl
The Mc CHOUFFE is an unfiltered dark beer, which is re-fermented in the bottle as well as in the keg .... Behind its fruity flavour a slight hint of bitterness may be found.
Sin Stock
Petite Cellars
Brasserie d'Achouffe McChouffe 4 pack 12 oz. Bottle
The Mc CHOUFFE is an unfiltered dark beer, which is re-fermented in the bottle as well as in the keg ...…
Sin Stock
Mas Que Cervezas
Ficha Técnica Nombre del Producto: MC CHOUFFE 33CL Categoría: Producto Descripción: MC CHOUFFE 33CL ... proceso de fermentación cuidado. Detalles Técnicos: ABV (Alcohol by Volume): 5.0% IBU (International Bitterness Units): ...
Sin Stock
VLC Gourmet
Mc Chouffe es una cerveza fuerte oscura sin filtrar, y refermentada en su botella, sin pasteurizar y ...a del lúpulo. En la parte inferior de la botella se forma de modo natural y debido a su refermentación en botella un poso de levadura. Origen: Bélgica Tipo: Ale Color: Oscuro Graduación: ...
Sin Stock
Achat Bières
La Mac Chouffe 33 cl est une bière brassée par la Brasserie Achouffe en Belgique. C'est une bière br ...une, au goût toréfié. Cette bière titre à 8° .
Sin Stock
Belgian Beer Heaven
Mc Chouffe 33Cl - Koop dit bier online in onze shop. Meer dan 1500 Belgische bieren en toebehoren th ...uisgeleverd.
Sin Stock
Só Artesanais
Mc Chouffe. Cervejas artesanais online
Mc Chouffe: uma cerveja belga de alta fermentação inspirada nas Scotch Ales, produzida pela Brasseri ...bor forte e complexo, com notas de malta, frutas passas como ciruela, uvas e figos, além de um toque de especiarias. Seu ...
Sin Stock
Brasserie D'achouffe, Mc Chouffe
Mc Chouffe 8,0%, 24x330 ml. Mc Chouffe er en ufilt ...0;tønder. Den frugtagtig buket skjuler et hint af bitterhed. ...
Sin Stock
Beer Store Australia
Description 2. Size (volume in ml) 330ml 1. Alcohol Percentage 8% ...our, its dark ruby colour and its fine creamy head make it a unique beer. Mc CHOUFFE is also characterised by its spicy aniseed and liquorice flavours, superbly complemented by full-bodied carame ...
Sin Stock
El Kiosco Cervecero
Descripción Cerveza Belgian Strong Ale con sabores complejos y equilibrados. ABV (Alc.Vol): 8 ...Belgian Strong Ale Aspecto: Ambar oscuro y turbio Textura: Cuerpo medio y carbonatación suave Aromas: Notas a frutas oscuras, caramelo y especias Descripción: Mc Chouffe es un ...
Sin Stock