Queen’s Beer
Descripción Lindemans Kriek es una cerveza estilo Lambic (fermentación espontánea) elaborada con ma ... Vlezenbeek, la familia Lindemans posee una finca que desde hace seis generaciones se dedica a elaborar cervezas Lambic. Desde su creación en 1809, los Lindemans se dedicaban durante el verano al ...
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Beer Shelf
Ficha técnica Color Tostada Tamaño ... 3.5% IBU 18 Estilo BS Sour Estilo Lambic Kriek Nota Untappd ...
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Be Hoppy!
Cerveza Lindemans Kriek. Cerveza Lambic, de cervecería Lindemans en Be Hoppy! Cerveza de Bélgica. Ce ...rveza a domicilio.
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Bacchus Beer Shop
Lindemans kriek 25cl, 3.5% Lindemans Kriek é uma cerveja de fermentação espontânea e é fabricada na ...eja. Esta cerveja tem uma cor rosa-avermelhada e um delicioso sabor de champagne espumante de cereja. Ela foi eleita como uma das 5 melhores cervejas da Bélgica pelo mestre da cerveja Michael Jac ...
Sin Stock
Cantina della Birra
Caratteristiche e degustazioni ... Gusto prevalente Dolce ...
Sin Stock
Beer Hawk
<p>Sound the cherry alarm! You’ll struggle to find a more iconic Kriek than Lindemans’. With s ...uty of the lambic style. Unlike most ‘regular’ beers, brewers of Lambics don’t pitch yeast, they merely let nature do it’s work in breweries that have been kept the same for centuries in order to ...
Sin Stock
Birre da Manicomio
La Lindemans Kriek è una birra belga fruttata prodotta con l’aggiunta di amarene. Birra a ferm ...dai profumi di ciliegia e dal gusto acido che le da un sentore stringente. Dedicata agli amanti delle birre lambic, dove la frutta viene aggiunta per smorzare l’acidità. ...
Sin Stock
Belgium In A Box
Lindemans Kriek Deliciously fruity with the fresh flavour of freshly picked cherries. Its sharp and ...ichael Jackson (the most famous beer expert of our time) proclaimed Kriek Lindemans one of the five best beers of the world. Serving Temperature : 2-3 °C ...
Sin Stock
BeerCraft of Bath
Lindemans Brewery - Kriek - Cherry Belgian Lambic Beer - 375ml Bottle
£4.00 Kriek Cherry Belgian Lambic Beer by lindemans Brewery of Vlezenbeek, Belgium, available in 375 ...ml bottles. Buy this beer online in our webstore, FREE UK delivery on all orders over £25! Or visit our bottleshop and taproom in Bath city centre.
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Beer Shop HQ
Country: BE | Style: Lambic | Size: 355ml | %ABV: 3.5 From Lindemans: In order to obtain a beer lik ...e no other, we have been adding whole sour cherries to our lambic for
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Hop Shop Aberdeen
A slightly sweet cherry lambic beer made in the traditional Belgian style by the Lindemans family. L ...our tart flavour. For this beer, cherries are then added to give the beer a pleasant and full fruity sweetness that offsets the sour base before a pleasing and refreshing tart finish. ...
Sin Stock
Belgian Beer Traders
Description Beer of spontaneous fermentation. Lindemans Kriek is made from one-year-old oak-aged la ...f freshly picked sour cherries. Its sharp and full-bodied flavour gives way to a perfect balance between sweet and sour. ...
Sin Stock
Estación Malta
Cerveza Lindemans Kriek $84.00, cerveza Lambic de cervecería Lindemans. Cerveza a domicilio Est ...ación Malta. Lindemans Kriek. Cervezas de Bélgica. Cerveza Lindemans Kriek
Sin Stock
Beer Merchants
A slightly sweet cherry lambic beer made in the traditional Belgian style by the Lindemans family. L ...our tart flavour. For this beer, cherries are then added to give the beer a pleasant and full fruity sweetness that offsets the sour base before a pleasing and refreshing tart finish. ...
Sin Stock
Cerveza Lindemans Kriek 25 cl.
Origen: Belgica Estilo: Lambic Formato. 250 ml. Graduación: 4.00%
Sin Stock
More Than Beer
Una refrescante cerveza afrutada La Lindemans Kriek es una cerveza afrutada belga en cuya elaboració ...las que provocan la fermentación. Para elaborarla se añade zumo de cereza a una cerveza lámbica, dejándose madurar la mezcla en barricas de roble. Presenta un color rojo brillante, y genera una e ...
Sin Stock
Acht generaties geleden, in 1809, exploiteerde de familie Lindemans een boerderij in Vlezenbeek, aan ... klein lambiekbrouwerijtje op de boerderij te maken. Heerlijk fruitig, met de frisse, zuurzoete smaak van verse krieken. De aanzet is sterk en levendig, en... ...
Sin Stock
Sin Stock
La Catedral de la Cerveza
Estilo: Flandes Red Ale con cerezas Ingredientes: Agua, malta de cebada, lúpulo y levadura. Alcoho ...l: 6% Tamaño: Botella 33cl Origen: Bélgica Descripción:
Sin Stock
Cerveza de estilo clásico elaborada principalmente con cerezas. Se pueden percibir en ella la acidez ... y la efervescencia. Predominan los sabores afrutados por encima del resto. Graduación: 3,5% Envase: 25 cl
Sin Stock
Die Bierothek
Ein Bier mit Kirschen, kann das überhaupt schmecken? Aber sowas von! Das Kriek von Lindemans ist... ...
Sin Stock
Wee Beer Shop
Description A slightly sweet cherry lambic beer made in the traditional Belgian style by the Lindem ...s to give a sour tart flavour. For this beer, cherries are then added to give the beer a pleasant and full fruity sweetness that offsets the sour base before a pleasing and refreshing tart finish ...
Sin Stock
The Craft Bar
This Lindemans Kriek is a fruit beer for the simple reason that a great deal of fruit was added duri ...parkling clear red colour topped by a pink head. It releases very sweet aromas dominated by cherries scents. Belgian Kriek 355ml 3.5% Vegan ...
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The Belgian Beer Company
Strength: 3.5% ABVSize of Bottle: 35.5clBeer Description: This traditional type of cherry fruit beer ...bic beer. The lambic beer is at least one year old. Lindemans have been brewing this beer since 1979 and it has won various beer awards during this time. Please note the Lindemans Brewery is only ...
Sin Stock
Martins Off Licence
Lindemans Kriek (Cherry) is a sparking cherry flavoured brew which is smooth and refreshing.Food Rec ...ommendationsGood with a summer fruit pudding and sorbet.AVB3.5%
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Ghost Whale
Lindemans - Kriek - 3.5% (355ml)
Lindemans - "In order to obtain a beer like no other, we have been adding whole sour cherries t ...ionised the fruit beer segment. Charles convinced us to export our old kriek to the United States by boat. What we had not th ...
Sin Stock
The Crú - The Beer Club
Lindemans Kriek Lambic Beer 375ml Bottle
Lindemans Kriek Lambic Beer We've already told you that our family never does anything the way oth ..., we have been adding whole sour cherries to our lambic for generations. Due to the use of filtrate and pasteurisation, this kriek is sweeter and fruitier than Old Kriek Cuvée René, which un ...
Sin Stock
Drink Store
Lindemans Kreik 355ML: ABV 3.5%. Like other Lindemans beers, this filtered kriek is made from a lamb ...ic base. The difference, however, lies in the addi
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Beer O’clock Avignon
Bière de type lambic avec une belle robe rouge, au goût intense de cerises, vieillie en fût de chêne .... Alcool : 3,5° 25 cl
Sin Stock
Kellemes, gyümölcsös-savanykás, kissé vörös abszintot idéző illattal és vörösesbarna, szinte habment ...grapefruitszerű lambicalaphoz tökéletes ütemérzékkel kapcsolódnak a cukor karamellizált, selymes jegyei, hogy összhangzatuk a kezdetektől a záró utóízekig végigkísérje az összes kortyot. Fogyaszt ...
Sin Stock
Planete Drinks
Description Cette boisson aigre-douce est obtenue par l'addition de cerises fraîches à de jeunes Lam ...12 mois, il ne reste seulement que les noyaux et des pelures. La Kriek Lambic est prête à être filtrée et mise en bouteilles. Cette méthode donne une bière plutôt aigre et moins fruitée. Suite à ...
Sin Stock
Beers of Europe
In origin, this sweet-acid drink was obtained by adding fresh black cherries to a barrel Lambic of 6 ...8 to 12 months, only peels and stones left and the Kriek-Lambic is ready to be filtered and bottled. The residual sugar can be adjusted with straight-on fruit juice to give a refermentation in th ...
Sin Stock
Alc.Vol.: 3.5% Estilo: Fruit Beer Pais: Belgica ... Cerveceria: Lindemans
Sin Stock
Tierra Fría
Lindemans Kriek botella de 250 ml
La fermentación espontánea se produce con levaduras silvestres en suspensión en el ambiente. En invi ...recipitan las levaduras en el líquido, se decanta en barriles de roble donde se produce la fermentación durante varios d ...
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