Etre Gourmet
Boerenerf Eylenbosch Oude Cider 2020/2021
"A blend of young and old cider. Spontaneous and barrelaged. This cider containes authentic Flemish ...and Normandic varietes of apples. A rich complex Cider as if it was a gueuze. "
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Cantina Brassicola Digitale
Descrizione Una miscela di sidro giovane e vecchio, spontaneo e barricato. Questo sidro contiene .... Ci troviamo a Huizigen, frazione di Beersel. Qui nel lontano 1864 comincia la storia di Eylenbosh, produttore di Lambic che come tanti altri restò in piedi fino al termine della seconda guer ...
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Bier Atelier Renes
Boerenerf Eylenbosch - Oude Cider
3 Fonteinen Druif is de maceratie van druiven(most) op / de co-fermentatie van druivensap of wijn me ...t traditionele lambik. Zonder toegevoegde sappen, siropen of zoetstoffen. Ongefilterd. Ongepasteuriseerd.
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Gedeelde Vreugde
Boerenerf Eylenbosch Cider Appel • Kweepeer • Peer (oogst 2020-2021)
Beschrijving A blend of young and old cider. Spontaneous and barrelaged. This cider containes aut ...hentic Flemish and Normandic varietes of apples. A rich complex Cider as if it was a gueuze. 375ml 6% 1 per klant / 1 per customer
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