Het Boerenerf Cannonau 2023 - Oogst 2022 | 75 cl | ABV: 7.0 % Een blend van cider en wijn op basis ...en zijn 10 dagen gemacereerd met Pajotse Cider. Deze Cider-Wijn blend is een heerlijke dorstlesser met een uitgesproken wijn karakter en vluchtige zuren van de cider. ...
21,50 €
Etre Gourmet
Boerenerf Cannonau (Oogst 2022)
"Blend of cider & wine from Cannonau grapes. The Cannonau di Sardegna is a unique Sardean grape. ... These organic grapes are grown by our friends from Cantina Pusole in Sardinia. The wine ripened along with our Pajotse cider. Fermented, aged & bottled on the farm."
21,17 €
Beer Merchants
Blend of cider and wine from Cannonau grapes. Cannonau di Sardegna is a unique Sardinian grape varie ...ty. These organic grapes are grown by friends of Cantina Pusole in Sardinia. The wine matured together with our Pajotse cider. Fermented, aged and bottled on the farm.
Het Boerenerf Cannonau Oogst 2022
Beschrijving Cider – Other Fruit Blend of cider & wine from Cannonau grapes. The Canno ...nau di Sardegna is a unique Sardean grape. These organic grapes are grown by our friends from Cantina Pusole in Sardinia. The wine ripened along with our Pajotse cider. Alc. 7% Inhoud 750 ml
20,95 €
Cantina Brassicola Digitale
Stile: Cider + Cannonau Grapes Formato: 75cl Data imbottigliamento: 2022 ABV: 7%
36,00 €
Het Boerenerf Cannonau - Oogst 2022
Assemblage de cidre et de vin à partir de raisins Cannonau, fermenté et affiné en bouteille à la fer Le Cannonau di Sardegna est un cépagne typique de Sardaigne. Ces raisins biologiques sont cultivés par Cantina Pusole. Un joli hybride, léger, fruité, légèrement sucré et acidulé.
19,00 €
De Biersalon
Blend of cider & wine from Cannonau grapes. The Cannonau di Sardegna is a unique Sardean grape. ...These organic grapes are grown by our friends from Cantina Pusole in Sardinia. The wine ripened along with our Pajotse cider.Fermented, aged & bottled on the farm.
18,49 €
Gedeelde Vreugde
Beschrijving Blend of cider & wine from Cannonau grapes. The Cannonau di Sardegna is a unique ...ine ripened along with our Pajotse cider. Fermented, aged & bottled on the farm. 750ml 7% 1 per klant / 1 per customer ...
28,20 €
Beer Shop HQ
Country: BE | Style: Lambic | Size: 750ml | %ABV: 6.8 From Het Boerenerf: Blend of cider & ...are grown by our friends from Cantina Pusole in Sardinia. The wine ripened along with our Pajotse cider. Fermented, aged &am ...