Beyond Beer
Firestone Walker Parabola (2024)
Das populärste Barrel Aged Imperial Stout von Firestone Walker Das Parabola 2024 wurde für ein Jahr ... in 12 Jahre alten Elijah Craig Bourbon-Fässern gereift. Großartig komplexes Imperial Stout mit intensiven Noten von Eiche, Karamell und Vanille.
15,99 €
Quaff Webshop
Firestone Walker Parabola (2024) Imperial Stout BA Bourbon 13,8%
Imperial Stout BA Bourbon. Bière élevée 12 mois en fûts de Bourbon Elijah Craig 12 Year. Le résul ...lle, café torréfié, ainsi que de délicates notes de chêne, caramel, vanille, noix de coco toastée et grué de cacao. Firestone Walker (USA) : Brasserie de renommée mondiale, qui brille grâce à se ...
16,90 €
Caps and Taps
Firestone Walker Parabola 2024 13.8% (355ml)
Aged for a year in 12-year Elijah Craig barrels, Parabola is always a beast of a beer. Intense flavo ...d oak, caramel and vanilla, while the bourbon barrels impart their classic notes of toasted coconut and cocoa nibs. ...
Bereta Brewing Co.
Bere-Imperial Stout Aged in Bourbon Barrels. ...parabola-2024/5689725
120,00 LEI
Firestone Walker Salted Caramel Parabolita (2024)
A delicious reimagining of our iconic Parabola barrel-aged imperial stout, we aged a selection of Pa ...ilk stout to create a silky mouthfeel and a more approachable ABV. Finally, we infused the beer with whole Madagascar va ...