Saccharomyces Beer Cafe | Birrapedia
Saccharomyces Beer Cafe

Saccharomyces Beer Cafe

Country: Australia
St Bernardus Pater 6 Stb Sgl

Australia Saccharomyces Beer Cafe

St Bernardus Pater 6 Stb Sgl

St.Bernardus Pater 6 is brewed according to the classic dubbel style with a recipe that dates back t ...s ‘een Paterke'.  The beer is a chestnut-brown, dark beer with a creamy head. This Paterke is not just any old brown beer: it unites the deep flavour of specialty malt with the lively fruitin ...


Dupont Moinette Brune 330ml Btl Sgl

Australia Saccharomyces Beer Cafe

Dupont Moinette Brune 330ml Btl Sgl

"The Moinette Brune is a top fermentation beer with refermentation in the bottle. Since its cre ... colour, light dark brown going into russet. The aromas of hop and special malts are creating the dominating taste in this beer. The Moinette Brune combines a slightly bitterness with a fruity to ...


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