Sour - Fruited | 4.8% ABV Commercial Description: Sour ale with strawberry and raspberry puree. Fini ...shed with fresh lemon and lime zest
3 Fonteinen Oude Kriek (Season 1920) Blend No. 84
Lambic - Kriek | 6.6% ABV Commercial Description: bottling date: 11/26/2020For this specific Kriek, ...we have macerated sour cherries for more than ten months on young lambik. We blended with young a...
Energy City Bistro Pineapple Lime & Jalapaeno Sour
Sour - Fruited Berliner Weisse | 6.5% ABV Commercial Description: Are you ready for Bistro Pineapple ... & Lime Jalapeno's full body experience!? The first touch on the lips is soft and succulent t...