Bierhandel Willems
Cantillon st lamvinus 75cl beperkt
Er zijn maar weinig bieren die zo netjes op de dunne grens tussen wijn en bier liggen als deze Saint ..., gerijpt tot volwassendom in de kelders van Cantillon met verse Merlot druiven uit de Bordeaux streek, appelation Côte de Bourg, die op lambik gemacereerd worden gedurende een tweetal maanden. ...
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Kay Gee’s Off Licence
Cantillon Saint Lamvinus 75cl Bottled 03 November 2022
Cantillon say: Blend of lambics aged on average 16 to 18 months and of Merlot grapes. The year’s b ...h (10%). Lambic can be rightly considered the missing link between the worlds of wine and beer, and Saint Lamvinus takes this one step further by adding grapes normally intended for wine product ...
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Sklep Impuls
BELGIA Cantillon Saint Lamvinus NOVEMBER 2022
Przedstawiamy fascynującego Saint Lamvinus 2022 od Browaru Cantillon. Wytworzone z mieszanki lambikó ...perckiej. Średni okres starzenia Saint Lamvinus wynosi 16-18 miesięcy, co zapewnia unikalną podróż smakową, która będzie się rozwijać z czasem. Jego zawartość alkoholu wynosząca 7,5% dodaje głębi ...
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J&B Craft Drinks
Blend of lambics aged with Syrah, Grenache Noir and Merlot Grapes
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Cantillon Saint Lamvinus - 2022
Lambic - Fruit | 7% ABV Limit-1 Commercial Description: lambic beer brewed with merlot grapes aged i ...n oak barrels *All sales are final. Discount Code will not apply
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Saint Lamvinus (2022) Cantillon
Untappd Rating: 4.32 Alkoholgehalt: 7.5 % vol. IBU: 0.0 Brauerei: Brasserie Cantillon ( ...Anderlecht, Brussels) Style: Lambic - Fruit
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La Plante Du Loup
Saint Lamvinus Cantillon 5 ° Acides aux fruits (Lambics aux fruits)
Fondée en 1900, la brasserie Cantillon est actuellement la dernière représentante des producteurs de ... 1970, Jean-Pierre Van Roy est à la tête de cette belle gueuzerie. Cantillon fait partie des meilleures brasseries du monde ...
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Cantillon Saint Lamvinus vertical
Cantillon Saint Lamvinus vertical ⋆
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Cantillon - Saint Lamvinus (2020)
7% Lambiek, gemacereerd op Merlotdruiven. 4.39 Untappd
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Cantina Brassicola Digitale
Stile: Lambic with grapes ABV%: 7 Data imbottigliamento: 2023
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Independent Spirit of Bath
Blend of lambics aged on average 16 to 18 months and of Merlot grapes. Lambic can be rightly conside ...ther by adding grapes normally intended for wine production. Intense, fruity beer that lingers on the palate and has a clear connection to its winemaking origins. 1 x 750ml 6%ABV ...
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Cantillon Saint Lamvinus 7.5% (750ml bottle)
Blend of lambics aged on average 16 to 18 months and of Merlot grapes. The year’s blend, bottled No ... can be rightly considered the missing link between the worlds of wine and beer, and Saint Lamvinus takes this one step further by adding grapes normally intended for wine production. Intense, f ...
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Heaton Hops
Brasserie Cantillon Cantillon Saint Lamvinus Lambic
Blend of Lambics of 16 to 18 months of average age with Merlot grapes. Intense, fruity beer with a n length in the mouth reminiscent of its wine origin.
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Lambic de 2 ans macéré avec du raisin Merlot. Limité à une bouteille par client.
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Blanding af lambics lagret i gennemsnit 16 til 18 måneder og Merlot druer. Årets blanding, aftappe ...bic kan med rette betragtes som det manglende led mellem vin- og ølverdenen, og Saint Lamvinus tager dette et skridt videre ved at tilføje druer, der normalt er beregnet til vinproduktion. Inte ...
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Vins Nature
Assemblage de Lambic de deux ans d'âge et de différents cépages de raisins. Une bière rare au goût é ...TÉE A 1 BOUTEILLE MAX PAR CLIENT, COMPLETE PAR AU MINIMUM LA MEME VALEUR EN VIN, hors produits rares, nous n'avons reçu que 12 bouteilles pour l'année 2023 ! RARE PRODUCT: LIMITED SALE OF A MAXI ...
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Cantillon Saint Lamvinus 75 cl
Cantillon Saint Lamvinus | 75 cl | 7.0% Mengeling van Lambik met een gemiddelde leeftijd van 16 tot ...erlijk gemaakt met Merlot (55%), Grenache Noir (35%) en Syrah (10%) druiven.Lambik wordt terecht beschouwd als de ontbrekende schakel tussen de wereld van de wijn en die van het bier. Met zijn dr ...
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Belgian Whalez
Cantillon Saint Lamvinus 2016 Belgian Whalez
Cantillon Saint Lamvinus is a grape lambic produced yearly from Merlot and Cabernet-Franc grapes. Mo ...assified organic as the grower does not have the certificate but does grow organically according to Jean Van Roy. ...
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Cantillon Saint-Lamvinus 2019 75CL
Productdetails Alcoholpercentage: 7% Inhoud: 75CL Untappd: 4.31
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Saccharomyces Beer Cafe
Cantillon Saint Lamvinus 750ml
Cantillon excluded from mixed six discount. Blend of lambics aged on average 16 to 18 months and of ...enache Noir (35%), and Syrah (10%). Lambic can be rightly considered the missing link between the worlds of wine and beer, and Saint Lamvinus takes this one step further by adding grapes normally ...
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Gott erhalt’s Bierladen
Cantillon: Saint Lamvinus (2023)
Zwei Jahre alter Lambic, gelagert auf Merlot, Grenache Noir & Syrah Trauben (7,5% Vol.) Zutaten ...: Wasser, GERSTENMALZ, Weizen, Hopfen, Trauben, Hefe MHD: 13. 11. 2033 0,75l Flasche Preis zzgl. Versandkosten, inkl. 19% MwSt. & 0,08€ Pfand untappd 4.26
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Clapton Craft
Cantillon St Lamvinus Lambic 750ml
Style: Fruited Lambic Region: Bruxelles ABV: 6.0% Bottle Size: 750ml *One Item Per Person - Orders O ...ot grapes Lambic is rightly considered the missing link between the world of wine and beer. The Saint Lamvinus will rein ...
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lamvinus: is a blend of lambic and merlot grapes from the bordeaux region
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Beer Store Australia
Cantillon Saint Lamvinus 750ml
Description 2. Size (volume in ml) 750ml 1. Alcohol Percentage 5% ...November 2022, was exceptionally made with Merlot (55%), Grenache Noir (35%), and Syrah (10%). Lambic can be rightly considered the missing link between the worlds of wine and beer, and Saint L ...
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