Las Cervezas de Martyn SPONSOR
Cantillon Saint Lamvinus es una mezcla de lambics envejecidas entre 16 y 18 meses y uvas Merlot.
31,86 €
Belgas Online SPONSOR
Descripción Cantillon Saint Lamvinus 75cl Maceración de uva merlot en lámbica o lambic de Cantillo ...n. Embotellado: 17/12/2020
56,00 €
Bodecall SPONSOR
Cantillon Saint Lamvinus 75 cl
Elaborada mediante la mezcla de lámbicas envejecidas de 16 a 18 meses con uvas Merlot, 7%. 75 cl.
26,14 €
Hops & Hopes
Brasserie Cantillon Saint Lamvinus (2023)
Maceratie van verschillende druivensoorten in twee jaar oude Lambiek. Bier met een smaakevolutie. Ge ...botteld op 7 november 2023.
28,75 €
Belgian Whalez
Cantillon Saint Lamvinus is a grape lambic produced yearly from Merlot and Cabernet-Franc grapes. Mo ...assified organic as the grower does not have the certificate but does grow organically according to Jean Van Roy. ...
Saccharomyces Beer Cafe
Cantillon Saint Lamvinus 750ml
Cantillon excluded from mixed six discount. Blend of lambics aged on average 16 to 18 months and of ...enache Noir (35%), and Syrah (10%). Lambic can be rightly considered the missing link between the worlds of wine and beer, and Saint Lamvinus takes this one step further by adding grapes normally ...
Belgian Whalez
Blend of lambics aged on average 16 to 18 months and of Merlot grapes.The year’s blend, bottled Nove ... be rightly considered the missing link between the worlds of wine and beer, and Saint Lamvinus takes this one step further by adding grapes normally intended for wine production. ...
Cantillon - Saint Lamvinus (2022)
7% Lambiek, gemacereerd op Merlotdruiven. 4.39 Untappd
34,95 €
Belgian Whalez
Cantillon Saint Lamvinus is a grape lambic produced yearly from Merlot and Cabernet-Franc grapes. Mo ...assified organic as the grower does not have the certificate but does grow organically according to Jean Van Roy. ...
Gott erhalt’s Bierladen
Cantillon: Saint Lamvinus (2023)
Zwei Jahre alter Lambic, gelagert auf Merlot, Grenache Noir & Syrah Trauben (7,5% Vol.) Zutaten ...: Wasser, GERSTENMALZ, Weizen, Hopfen, Trauben, Hefe MHD: 13. 11. 2033 0,75l Flasche Preis zzgl. Versandkosten, inkl. 19% MwSt. & 0,08€ Pfand untappd 4.26
18,99 €
House of Beers Uden
Cantillon Lamvinus 2017 LambiekGeuze - 75 CL
Blend van Lambics gemiddeld 16 tot 18 maanden en van Merlot -druiven. Pro ...ductdetails: Alcoholpercentage: 7.5% Volume: 75 CL Untappd Score: 4.43
70,00 €
House of Beers Uden
Cantillon Lamvinus 2018 LambiekGeuze - 75 CL
Productdetails: Alcoholpercentage: 7.5% Volume: 75 CL ... Untappd Score: 4.41
65,00 €
La Compagnie des Bonnes Bouteilles
Cantillon Saint Lamvinus 2023 75 cl
Assemblage de Lambics de 16 à 18 mois d’âge moyen avec du raisin Merlot. Le Lambic est considéré à ...rtera ce lien par l’ajout de raisins destinés à produire du vin. Bière intense, fruitée avec une belle longueur en bouche rappelant son origine viticole. ...
29,90 €
Jeder kennt unsere privilegierten Beziehungen zu einigen Libournai-Winzern und genauer gesagt zu Sai ...edel. Respektieren Sie daher die Gärung, aber auch das Terroir und das Erntejahr eines Weins. Aus unseren Beziehungen entstand ein Produkt, das weder ihren Wein noch unser Bier verriet: Santo L ...
Cantillon - Saint Lamvinus (2020)
7% Lambiek, gemacereerd op Merlotdruiven. 4.39 Untappd
39,95 €
Hops ’N More
Cantillon - St Lamvinus 2023 - 75cl
Craft Beer Bottle Shop with a unique selection from Belgium, Europe and the rest of the world.
35,00 €
Sklep Impuls
Mieszanka lambików starzonych średnio od 16 do 18 miesięcy oraz winogron merlot. Mieszanka tego rok ...he noir (35%) i syrah (10%). Lambik może być słusznie uznany za brakujące ogniwo między światami wina a piwa, a Saint Lamvinus idzie o krok dalej, dodając winogrona zwykle przeznaczone do produk ...
Old Bridge Cellars
Cantillon Saint Lamvinus VERTICAL (3-PACK)
This is 3-pack of Cantillon Saint Lamvinus including the following vintages: 2022 2021 2020
Belgian Whalez
Cantillon Saint Lamvinus is a grape lambic produced yearly from Merlot and Cabernet-Franc grapes. Mo ...assified organic as the grower does not have the certificate but does grow organically according to Jean Van Roy. ...