Burg Bieren Bierwinkel
Brasserie de la Senne De La Senne Wadesda #9
Land: Belgisch bier Type: Saison / Bière de Garde Alcohol: 8.0% Inhoud: 33cl
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The Beerhive
A throwback to the first experiment in the Wadesda series, blending Jambe de Bois Tripel with Cantil ...ky nose of Brettanomyces, with quince and fallen apples. This is followed by white flowers, old kirsch and persimmon, and even a hint of curry leaves ...
Etre Gourmet
"An evolution of the very first Wadesda, a blend of Jambe-de-Bois and Cantillon lambic, making the W ...s those typical characteristics of Lambic: woody with a strong funky nose of Brettanomyces, with quince and fallen apples. This is followed by white flowers, old kirsch and persimmon, and even a ...
3,97 €
The Belgian Beer Company
Strength: 8% ABV Size of Bottle: 33cl Beer Description: Wadesda #9 is a collaborative beer between ... Brasserie de la Senne and Cantillon. It is a Triple Saison that is amber in colour and the result from blending Jambe de Bois with Cantillon lambic.
Wadesda NR. 9: birra di Cantillon e Brasserie de la Senne Maltese
Wadesda Nr. 9 è una birra unica al mondo, nata dalla collaborazione fra due Brasserie di Bruxelles: ...de la Senne e Cantillon. Scoprila su maltese.beer!
6,72 €
Brasserie De la Senne Wadesda NR.9 Bott.33cl.
Descrizione Possiamo definirla un’evoluzione del primissimo Wadesda, uscito nel 2008 (se la m ...rio come il suo successore. La miscela di queste due birre rende la Wadesda #9 una Tripel Saison: una versione più forte dell’originale Saison. È di colore ambrato e ha quelle caratteris ...
5,27 €