De Biersalon
Dunkelweizenbock, 18° Plato, 8.5% ABV. Every year we brew a special, hearty beer for the return of t ... of flavors of banana, vanilla, chocolate, coconut, and raisin, and a slight breadiness to round it all out. It is also extremely wheaty and features a deep hazelnut color with a slightly thick m ...
5,89 €
De Biersalon
Wild Creatures Resurrection (2019)
In the shadow of palava hills, where people lived more than 25.000 years ago, surrounded by old vine ... brewmaster's knowledge to brew resurrection-a beer inspired by tokaji aszu grapes refermented in the beer are hanged right after the wine harvest and naturally dried for 4 months. Spontaneo ...
16,69 €
De Biersalon
Wild Creatures Femme Fanale (2022)
There are few things in life more seductive than a sour cherry wild ale. Femme Fanale is a crimson, ...sensual brew easy to fall for. With 200 grams of fresh Moravian Fanal cherries per litre, this is a tart yet refreshing experience, which will keep you longing for more till the very sour end.
15,99 €
De Biersalon
Wild Creatures Summer Ribes (2022)
Are you missing Summer Ribes? We certainly are. Redcurrant and blackcurrant are two juicy species of ...let them ferment with our six-months-old wild ale. Boasting about 200 grams of whole fruit per litre, this brew will make the wait for summer seem like a breeze.------------------------Chybí vám ...
15,99 €
De Biersalon
Wild Creatures Blanc de Brute (2019)
Blanc de Brute is a blend of two-year-old spontaneous brews that then spent over a year with selecte ...d white grapes. Pinot Blanc and Solaris from local vineyards provide it with a gentle, harmonious taste combining the best from the realms of wine and beer.
20,99 €
De Biersalon
Wild Creatures Meditation (2020)
The purest and most challenging of our beers, Meditation is a blend of ales that have been barrel-ag ... reveal softer, sweeter tones. This is a real hallmark of our blending process as well as the wild creatures of the Mikulov area. ...
20,99 €
De Biersalon
Wild Creatures Tears of St Laurent (2020)
Hailing from our own vineyard on the southern slopes of Pálava, these hand-picked St Laurent grapes ...haracter of grapes, plums and sour cherries. Spontaneous fermentation and years of ageing in oak barrels result in a very wine-like experience. ...
20,99 €
De Biersalon
Zichovec Choco Orange Jelly Wheat Wine 2024
The aim of this blend of three wheat beers was to emulate the famous chocolate-covered Christmas gum ... sweetened with maple syrup. The result is very fun and surprisingly drinkable. The label design was lent to us by the Teplice-based multidisciplinary artist Hannah Saleh. ...
14,99 €
De Biersalon
Zichovec Masala Chai Barley Wine 2024
It took us 30 months to finally decide that our bourbon barrels full of barley wine were ready to be ...asala Chai spices. The label was created for us by Lenka Kladivová, a talented artist and our neighbor from Louny. ...
14,99 €