De Biersalon
Wild Creatures Femme Fanale (2022)
There are few things in life more seductive than a sour cherry wild ale. Femme Fanale is a crimson, ...sensual brew easy to fall for. With 200 grams of fresh Moravian Fanal cherries per litre, this is a tart yet refreshing experience, which will keep you longing for more till the very sour end.
15,99 €
De Biersalon
Wild Creatures Summer Ribes (2022)
Are you missing Summer Ribes? We certainly are. Redcurrant and blackcurrant are two juicy species of ...let them ferment with our six-months-old wild ale. Boasting about 200 grams of whole fruit per litre, this brew will make the wait for summer seem like a breeze.------------------------Chybí vám ...
15,99 €
De Biersalon
Wild Creatures Blanc de Brute (2019)
Blanc de Brute is a blend of two-year-old spontaneous brews that then spent over a year with selecte ...d white grapes. Pinot Blanc and Solaris from local vineyards provide it with a gentle, harmonious taste combining the best from the realms of wine and beer.
20,99 €