Stone Delicious IPA
While our beers are many and diverse, yet unified by overarching boldness, India pale ales are our undeniable bread and butter. The result is an intensely citrusy, beautifully bitter beer is worthy of the simple-yet-lordly title of Stone Delicious IPA. Lemondrop and El Dorado hops combine to bring on a magnificent lemon candy-like flavor that’s balanced by hop spice. It’s unlike anything we’ve tasted in nearly two decades of IPA experimentation, and another lupulin-laced creation we’re excited to present to hopheads everywhere.
A fractional IPA
We stood there for a while watching as the house burned. As the roof collapsed. As the rear wall with the back deck still connected surged forward under the weight of the flames, momentarily smothering the flare below it only to explode brightly with a rush of cinders and a wall of fresh heat thrust in our direction. What artifacts had just burst into the night air? A wedding dress? An old box of photographs? It was all gone or going now. The blaze was making something new at the same time. Something more primal and less evolved. By morning the weighty things of the past would be reduced to a vapor, heart, light, and cinders - receptive to the slightest wishful breeze. There is freedom in burning down the house of fixed realities and it confers an undeniable lightness to being. We didn’t invent these truths; they invented us.
Golden sour beer aged in oak barrels with rose hips and orange peels
"Soliloquy is a golden sour beer aged in oak barrels with rose hips and orange peel. Fermented with Brettanomyces and Saccharomyces yeast and soured with Lactobacillus and Pediococcus bacteria, this sour beer features aromas of citronella and jasmine with flavors of fresh squeezed orange juice and lemon zest."