Naparbier / Siren Agwé
Pale Ale
American Pale Ale con puré de coco, puré de lima y puré de piña
Siren / Slim Pickens Cerealist Manifesto
Milk Chocolate Cinnamon Imperial Stout, with a car load of actual Cinnamon Toast Crunch shipped over from Florida. Sweet, sweet cerealism!
Dios De La Guerra
March Beer
Bière de Mars translates literally to "March Beer", a seasonal ale fermented through winter and celebrating spring. The style originated in nineteenth-century northeast France, but we set out here to brew our own take with Naparbier, inspired by the use of flowers in modern Spanish cooking. The result is an aromatic farmhouse ale with delicate chamomile, floral hibiscus and sharp citrus notes. Perfectly suited to a crisp spring day.