Fruity Shake
D.D.H. Milkshake IPA
Una Milkshake IPA de color daurat pàl·lid, amb certa terbolesa i escuma moderada. En aroma i sabor destaquen les notes herbals i de fruita tropical amb un predomini de la pinya, acompanyada en boca per una agradable dolçor. És una cervesa artesana de cos mitjà i baixa amargor que la fa molt bevible.
Una Milkshake IPA de color dorado pálido, con cierta turbidez y espuma moderada. En aroma y sabor las notes herbales y de fruta tropical con un predominio de la piña, acompañada en boca de una agradable dulzura. Es una cerveza artesana de cuerpo medio y bajo amargor que la hace muy bebible.
Albino Squid Assassin Barrel Aged
Barrel Aged Red Rye IPA
The bloodless Assassin lies in wait, motionless in the deepest ink black depths. A lone sentinel and gatekeeper to an oak-aged booty. Waiting silently for the perfect moment to unleash his arsenal.
Prepare to be boarded. Full tilt rye whisky character runs a shot across your bow, followed by a broadside of cinder toffee and ripe fruit. The Assassin finishes you off with its trademark bitterness.
A twenty-first-century man-o-war. The Assassin is coming to claim your soul. Enjoy this rare aged beast and remember - dead men tell no tales...
Mail Order Martian
Oat Cream Double Dry-hop IPA
Buckle up for this DDH IPA. A fully loaded fruity propellant with currant, mixed berries, kiwi and lychee notes. Milk sugar rounds and sweetens out the full tilt, juicy flavour. And oats ensure a rocket powered smooth delivery. Finally counting down to a moderate bitter finish.
Mail Order Martian - Beer at light speed.