Celada Tostada
cerveza con gran cuerpo, sabor a malta, gusto afrutado y muy aromática,
Tripel - 8 Blonde
Formerly known as Achel 8° Blond.
A pale, strong, fruity, hoppy Trappist ale from one of Belgium’s six official abbey breweries. This blond, flavorful beer is a surprisingly refreshing brew at 8% alcohol by volume. It is lightly filtered, but still wholesomely hazy with yeast remaining and refermenting in the bottle.
Cerveza Trapense
Densa, ligeramente amarga. Dulce y amarga a lúpulo, con notas cítricas. Achel es una de las seis cerveceras oficialmente trapenses que existen en Bélgica. En esta cerveza además de la tradición contenida de años de elaboración podrás encontrar un producto complejo de sabor fuerte, frutal y lupulada. Una cerveza sabrosa y sorprendentemente refrescante pese a tener 8% de alcohol
Gouden Carolus Ambrio
Gouden Carolus Ambrio is aromatically brewed according to the ancient recipe of the Mechelschen Bruynen. Ambrio is an ’amber’ ale brewed with ’brio’. This white beer of high fermentation finds its origin in the traditional beer of the city of Mechelen. As each city had its own typical beer, the Mechelenians drunk their amber beer: "Mechelschen Bruynen" for hundreds of years.
Our brewery is the only brewery that still brews this type of beer. According to the tradition the basic recipe of this beer dates from 1421 and is therefore the oldest beer from the brewery.
The current version is slightly heavier than the original and finer hopped. The balance between the different malts, the fine hops and typical aromas with herbs ensure that this beer combines the whole-hearted nature of brown beers with the freshness of blonde beers.
This flavored and spicy light brown tasting beer should be served fairly fresh. Refermentation in the bottle.
Gouden Carolus Ambrio es una cerveza no filtrada con un impresionante sabor, con toques afrutados y de lúpulo que matizan la malta caramelizada. Tiene un balance perfecto entre los lúpulos Golding y Challenger. El balance entre sus maltas, los finos lúpulos utilizados y los toques de especias, crean una armonía perfecta entre el poderoso sabor de una cerveza obscura y la frescura de una cerveza rubia.