Chimay Grande Réserve Blue (750) 9,0% Vol. 750 ml
Untappd Rating: 3.91 Alkoholgehalt: 9.0 % vol. IBU: 35.0 Brauerei: Bières de Chimay (Ba ...ileux, Wallonie) Style: Belgian Strong Dark Ale
Sin Stock
L’Atelier des Bières
Jéroboam Chimay Bleue 3L (Grande réserve)
Bière trappiste de l’Abbaye de Scourmont en Belgique, cette bière brune foncée dorée de fermentation ... haute et refermentée en bouteille est la plus forte des trois Chimay (Bleue, Blanche, Rouge).
Sin Stock
Burg Bieren Bierwinkel
Brouwerij Abdij Notre-Dame de Scourmont Chimay Grande Réserve 2024 Vintage - 75cl
Land: Belgisch bier Type: Zwaar donker Alcohol: 9,0% Inhoud: 75cl
Sin Stock
Sophie’s Beer Store
Belgian Trappist Quadruple 9% | 330ml bottle Classic Belgian dark Quadrupel ale produced onsite by t ...he monks of Scourmont Abbey, Belgium. Expect a full bodied beer with great complex dark flavours and a commanding plummy sweetness characteristic of these great dark Belgian beers. MORE FROM CHIMAY
Sin Stock
Cerveza Chimay Azul 33cl. caja de 24 botellas: Cerveza auténtica de abadía trapense, oscura, que se ...pozos de la abadía y una cepa de lavadura propia. El toque aromático y amargo de esta cerveza se lo aporta el extra de lúpulo. Se elaboró por primera vez en 1948, como de cerveza de temporada par ...
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Craft Bier Center
Bierstil: Belgium Strong (Dark) Ale, Trappistenbier Alkohol: 9% vol. Inhalt: 3 dl Depot: CH ...F 0.30
Sin Stock
The Open Bottle
Bieres de Chimay Chimay Grande Reserve (Blue) 4-pack
This authentic Belgian beer, whose tinge of fresh yeast is associated with a light rosy flowery touc ...h, is particularly pleasant. Its aroma, perceived as one enjoys it, only accents the delightful sensations revealed by the odor, all revealing a light but agreeable caramelized note. 9.0% ABV
Sin Stock
Questa birra scura sprigiona una leggera nota fiorita rosacea associata ad un piacevole profumo di l ...ievito fresco. La sua schiuma è spessa, cremosa e scura. I suoi aromi potenti e complessi hanno un tocco di spezie pregiate.
Sin Stock
Arbre A Biere
La Chimay Bleue, bière de type dark strong ale, bière foncée à l’arôme plus que puissant, comme le v ...e de Notre Dame de Scourmont, elle possède un bouquet d’épices inégalable, crée par le père Théodore sa recette reste inchangée, bière refermentée en bouteille elle est ni filtrée ni pasteurisée, ...
Sin Stock
La bière Chimay Bleue est une bière belge de prestige brassée dans les Abbayes de Scourmont. Elle es ...e des plus célèbre surtout parmi ceux qui aiment les bières très forte. Avec ses 9% d'alcool. La Chimay Bleue a vu le jour en 1956 lorsque les moines décidirent de brasser une bière de Noel. La C ...
Sin Stock
Goblet Beer Store
ABV: 10,5% IBU: N/A STYLE: Belgian Strong Dark Ale The Grande Réserve barrel aged stands out from c ...arrels. Depending on the different assemblings of wood types, the taste will differ for each production ...
Sin Stock
Beer World Perú
Chimay son las cervezas Trapenses más reconocidas del mundo. Elaborada por los monjes de la Abadía d ... navidad. Es una cerveza oscura de espuma densa y cremosa con un delicioso aroma a levadura fresca y notas florales. Su ...
Sin Stock
Beer Head
Chimay Blue Belgian Ale 330ml bottle
Description This is a beer whose fragrance of fresh yeast with a light, flowery rosy touch is espec ...eived in the aroma , while revealing a light but pleasant touch of roasted malt. This top fermented Trappist beer , refermented in the bottle, is not pasteurised. ABV : 9% ...
Sin Stock
BeerVikings - Duplicada
Chimay Blauw. Behorende tot de selectieve groep van authentieke Trappistenbieren. Met zijn 9% een ... zware, donkere Trappist met een volle smaak. Ondanks zijn 9% alcoholgehalte drinkt deze Trappist zich makkelijk weg. Een top Trappist die zijn naam zeker eer aan doet!
Sin Stock
Purvis Beer
Chimay Blue 330ml Get Chimay Blue in Melbourne at Purvis Beer
Chimay Blue is principally distinguished by its character of a strong beer. This is a beer whose fra ...when tasting it, only accentuates the pleasant sensations perceived in the aroma , while revealing a light but pleasant touch of roasted malt. This top fermented Trappist beer, refermented in the ...
Sin Stock
Drop Hop
Cerveja escura, aroma complexo de caramelo, chocolate, frutas escuras e especiarias. Sabor equilibra entre dulçor e amargor, final levemente seco e aquecimento alcoólico. Ótimo envelhecimento. Criada em 1956 na abadia de Scourmont por Padre Theodore, conhecida como "Grande Réserve".
Sin Stock
Half Time
Chimay Brewery Chimay Grande Réserve (Blue) 750ml Bottle
Named Grande Reserve, it is principally distinguished by its character of a strong beer. This is a b ...or, noticed when tasting it, only accentuates the pleasant sensations perceived in the aroma , while revealing a light but pleasant touch of roasted malt. This top fermented Trappist beer, referm ...
Sin Stock
Bier Atelier Renes
Chimay - Grande Reserve Blauw 2018
De Chimay Blue Cap, genaamd "Grande Reserve" in flessen van 750 ml, is een donker trappist ...rst gebrouwen als kerstbier door de monniken van de Abdij van Scourmont in 1956.Dit authentieke Belgische bier, waarvan de toets v ...
Sin Stock
Chimay - Grande Réserve - 2019
De zachte vanille is het eerste wat in de neus springt, maar een heuse waaier aan fruitige en kruidi ... voor een heerliike citrus toets en een mooie aanvulling op de zoete karamel. Er is ook plaats voor een florale ondertoon va ...
Sin Stock
Onlygoodbeer - Csakajósör
Chimay Grande Réserve (Blue) Bières de Chimay (BE) 0,33L - 9%
Selected beer: Chimay Bleue 2020 | Bières de Chimay (BE) | 0,33L - 9% Further details: ...0,33 l Country of Origin: Belgium authentic trappist strong Belgian brown ale ABV: 9% Brewery: Abbaye Notre Dame de Scourmont Deposit: none Your price: €5.01
Sin Stock
Sweeney’s D3
The Chimay Blue is a dark ale with a powerful aroma. Its complex flavor improves with passing time. ...rappist monastery, under the control and responsibility of the community of monks, who are involved through the process of making and marketing the beer. Most of the income generated by this act ...
Sin Stock
Descrizione La Chimay Blu è una birra Trappista scura dall’aroma potente. È nel 1956 che la ...osacea associata ad un piacevole profumo di lievito fresco. La sua schiuma è spessa, cremosa e scura. I suoi aromi potenti e complessi hanno un tocco di spezie pregiate. In bocca, la birra rive ...
Sin Stock
CHIMAY Trappist blue lable tume õlu alk.9% 330ml Belgia
Chimay õlled on pastöriseerimata . Chimay Blue õlu võib säilida pudelis, ühtlasel temperatuuril kuni ... 20 a. Täiendit Trappist tohivad kasutada oma õlledel vaid 14 kloostri pruulikoda maailmas.
Sin Stock
Independent Spirit of Bath
A Belgian strong Ale. Dark and rich with notes of banana, dried fruits toffee, raisin and roast coff 1x 330ML 9%ABV
Sin Stock
Värvus: sügav, mustjas-pruun; Aroom: vürtsine, mesine, humalane, on tunda erilist pärmi aroomi, tume humalane, karamelline, vürtsine, puuviljane Serveerimistemperatuur: 10-12C Chimay Trappist õllesid ei pastöriseerita (tegemist on “elava õllega”). See õlu võib laagerduda pudelis kuni 20 aasta ...
Sin Stock
Brussels Beer Box
The Chimay Blue Cap, baptiz"Grande Reserve" in 750 ml bottles is a dark Trappist beer with ... a powerful aroma, the complex flavor of which improves across…
Sin Stock
Antidote off Licence - Urban Brewing
Description Shipping & Delivery Reviews our opening times (free). If choosing this option, please let us know your preferred pickup time and we will endeavour to have your order ready by then. Drinks purchased online are for home ...
Sin Stock
Thirsty Cambridge
Chimay Blue Trappist Belgian Dark Ale
A rich dark ale from trappist brewery Chimay. A luxurious dubbel with coffee, chocolate, and banana
Sin Stock
Pivní lednice
Chimay Chimay Grande Réserve (Blue) 18°8,1% 0,33l
Na eshopu můžete koupit pivo z pivovaru Chimay Chimay Grande Réserve (Blue) 18°/ ...8,1% 0,33l a ochutnat i další minipivovary.
Sin Stock
Chimay Grande Reserve (Blue) Belgian Dark Strong 750ml
9% The Chimay Blue Cap, baptized “Grande Reserve” in 33 cl bottles is a dark Trap ... brewed as a Christmas beer by the monks of Scourmont Abbey in 1956. This authentic Belgian beer, whose tinge of fresh yeast is associated with a light rosy flowery touch, is particularly pleasa ...
Sin Stock
Havnens Vin
BIÈRES DE CHIMAY Chimay Grande Réserve (Blue) 9% 75cl
Chimay Grande Reserve er en kraftig øl med kraftige aromaer og kompleksitet i smagen. Smagsmæssigt ...t maltet smag, giver det en god balance til sødmen. Chimay Grande Reserve synes umiddelbart ved første mundfuld som en kraftfuld øl, men i eftersmagen balanceres styrken til at blive en behageli ...
Sin Stock
Otherworld Brewing ( antigua duplicada)
Description Chimay Blue is principally distinguished by its character of a strong dark beer. This i ... flavour, noticed when tasting it, only accentuates the pleasant sensations perceived in the aroma , while revealing a light but pleasant touch of roasted malt. This top fermented Trappist beer, ...
Sin Stock
Dicey Reillys
This is a beer whose fragrance of fresh yeast with a light, flowery rosy touch is especially pleasan ... aroma , while revealing a light but pleasant touch of roasted malt. This top fermented Trappist beer , refermented in the bottle, is not pasteurised. Abv. 9%, 750ml bottle. ...
Sin Stock
Drink It In
The beautiful warm, dark hues of Chimay Blue and its compact light-brown head put on a spectacular s ...and delicious chocolate. It begins with a light sweet note before the creamy caramel transitions to a soft Mocha combined with an intense spicy taste, culminating in a delicious candied fruit fin ...
Sin Stock
Jackman Store
Cerveza Belga Chimay Blue Bot 330 ML
La Cerveza Belga Chimay Blue Bot 330ML es una de las más de 30 cervezas belgas de Jackman que tenemo ...s para que disfrutes de un sabor increíble.
Sin Stock
Luekens Wine & Spirits
Chimay Grand Reserve Blue 11.2oz 4pk Btl
Chimay Blue is principally distinguished by its character of a strong beer. This is a beer whose fra ...when tasting it, only accentuates the pleasant sensations perceived in the aroma , while revealing a light but pleasant touch of roasted malt. This top fermented Trappist beer, refermented in the ...
Sin Stock
Cerveza de abadia de la famosa Chimay. El color es oscuro, a contraluz se ve como un marron granate, pero en condiciones normales es un negro rojizo. Sin filtrar. La espuma es de un color cafe con leche, extremadamente densa, cremosa y duradera. El aroma es potente, muy dulzon y con algo de aroma a alcohol, no olvidemos que tiene 9 grados. Sabe a como a regaliz, es dulce y con un regusto a tostado. Tambien se puede percibir algo de alcohol, aunque bien disimulado. Recomiendo tomarla bien fria, como se aconseja en la botella, aunque algo mas caliente tampoco esta mala. Por lo que he podido notar, envejece muy bien, ya que una con algunas años enbotellada (dos en mi caso) sabe mejor que una del mismo año, se convierte en un autentico cervezon que se disfruta facilmente.
Sabor muy intenso pero te deja grandes recuerdos.
Es una cerveza con un sabor fuerte
Pasan los años y esta trapense me sigue gustando muchísimo. Mejora notablemente en botella grande (75cl o 1,5L).
Esta Grand reserve es una de mis primeras y tango un gran recuerdo de esta trapense.