Todo el Mundo | Birrapedia

Cervecerías Todo el Mundo. 5022 empresas.

Trillium Brewing Company

Trillium Brewing Company

The desire to build a brewery was about more than just making beer, it was about creating a way of life and building a community with which to share experiences. Trillium Brewing was founded in March of 2013 by JC and Esther Tetreault with the desire to create a New England Farmhouse-inspired ...

207 Cervezas - 118 Precios Estados Unidos de América Paises Bajos Reino Unido ... España Singapur Alemania Bélgica Francia Dinamarca Australia México Suiza República Checa Portugal

Rivington Brewing Co

Rivington Brewing Co

We are a modern craft brewery and tap room founded in 2014 in Rivington. Focusing on innovative modern styles, while drawing inspiration from the past. Our inspiration comes from all over the world, but our focus is very much local. We concentrate on making the best beer in styles we love, for ...

207 Cervezas - 148 Precios Reino Unido Bélgica Alemania ... Dinamarca España Paises Bajos Irlanda Estonia Suiza Singapur

Rocky Ridge Brewing Co.

Rocky Ridge Brewing Co.

Here at Rocky Ridge, we take a couple of things seriously; making F*&^ing good beer, and, importantly, not messing with the planet. Our story is long and proud, we’ve evolved from humble beginnings here on our farm, to build a thriving, community focussed brewery. Our aim is simple, t ...

206 Cervezas - 74 Precios Singapur Australia

Range Brewing

Range Brewing

In 2017, childhood friends Gerard Martin and Matt McIver were living abroad in London. Gerard was an engineer by trade working at Dieter Rams’ Vitsoe, while Matt was working as the Brand Manager for the London Craft Beer Festival. Through Matt’s involvement in the beer scene, he int ...

206 Cervezas - 54 Precios Australia Paises Bajos Reino Unido ... Irlanda Bélgica

Pastore Brewing and Blending

Pastore Brewing and Blending

Pastore Brewing and Blending produce fresh and aged sour and wild beers. The fresh series looks at accessible, fun, modern takes on mix-ferm brewing, utilising Kveik and Lactobacillus co-fermentation in fruited Waterbeach Weisses, Sour IPAs and Pastry Sours. The cellar series is built around ...

205 Cervezas - 77 Precios Reino Unido Alemania Paises Bajos ... Suiza Dinamarca España Irlanda

Sureshot Brewing

Sureshot Brewing

We’re finally here & we’ve got beer! High quality & small batch. Straight from the beating heart of Manchester. Founded in 2020, Sureshot Brewing has been a long term project of James Campbell. Everyone with a bitter taste in their mouth knows James. A serial head brewer a ...

204 Cervezas - 208 Precios Reino Unido Francia Dinamarca ... Paises Bajos Rumania

Third Moon Brewing

Third Moon Brewing

We’re a small team of craft beer lovers! We do this because it’s our passion and we feel it’s the best way we can make a difference in peoples’ lives. Our brewing focus is on the modern beer styles we love to drink, share and seek out. We also focus on the styles we aren’t able to easily find ...

202 Cervezas - 75 Precios Paises Bajos Bélgica Suiza ... Canada Hungría España Irlanda Reino Unido Australia

Hoppy Road

Hoppy Road

HOPPY ROAD est une brasserie artisanale fondée en 2017 à Maxéville (54). Créatives et engagées, nos Craft beers sont le reflet de notre passion pour l’infinie diversité des saveurs de la bière. Nous exprimons nos influences dans des recet ...

201 Cervezas - 134 Precios Bélgica Francia Paises Bajos ... Italia Chipre España

Alvinne Brouwerij

Alvinne Brouwerij

Aunque inicialmente la elaboración de cerveza era un hobby para Davy Spiessens y Glenn Castelein, en 2004 deciden abrir su propia fábrica en Ingelmunster, pero poco tiempo después, en 2007, se trasladan a Heule. En 2010 Marc De Keukeleire se une al equipo y en 2011 vuelven ...

201 Cervezas - 300 Precios Bélgica Reino Unido Paises Bajos ... España Dinamarca Rusia, Federación Italia Chile Francia Rumania Portugal Alemania Suiza Polonia Malta, Isla de

Jester King Brewery

Jester King Brewery

200 Cervezas - 142 Precios Paises Bajos Reino Unido Dinamarca ... Estados Unidos de América Bélgica Australia Portugal Italia Alemania Francia México España



Põhjala was founded in Tallinn, Estonia at the end of 2011 by four Estonian beer enthusiasts and home brewers. Soon thereafter the company was joined by a Scottish head brewer, Chris Pilkington, with a few years of Brewdog experience under his belt. The first Põhjala beer, Ö ...

199 Cervezas - 654 Precios Alemania Paises Bajos Bélgica ... República Checa Reino Unido Italia España Bulgaria Austria Francia Dinamarca Hungría Estonia Portugal Polonia Eslovakia Australia Estados Unidos de América Suiza Suecia Chipre Singapur México Ucrania

La Calavera

La Calavera

La Calavera.Traficants de cerveses. La Calavera neix l’any 2012, amb la seva introducció dintre de la cooperativa de treball associat Riembau que comparteix amb el restaurant La Barricona, amb qui manté un projecte en comú gastronòmic-cerveser. Produïm ce ...

199 Cervezas - 150 Precios España Paises Bajos Francia ... Bélgica Rumania Irlanda Hungría Bulgaria Dinamarca Italia República Checa Portugal Alemania

Pentrich Brewing Co.

Pentrich Brewing Co.

Derbyshire based brewery focused on producing high quality beers of all styles in can, keg & cask

196 Cervezas - 72 Precios Reino Unido Paises Bajos Suiza ... Bélgica

Cervezas Yakka

Cervezas Yakka

Cervezas Yakka es una marca de cerveza artesana que nace en 2009 en Murcia con pocos recursos y muchas ganas Pionera en el sector, va poco a poco creciendo y consolidándose como una referencia tanto por la calidad de sus cervezas como por la originalidad e innovación a la hora de ...

194 Cervezas - 106 Precios España

Cerveza Caleya

Cerveza Caleya

En la elaboración de Caleya ponemos todo el conocimento y experiencia adquirida en estos años de aprendizaje y pruebas con el objetivo de conseguir la cerveza más sabrosa, aromática, equilibrada y completa que esté a nuestro alcance.Para ello usamos los l&ua ...

191 Cervezas - 120 Precios España Paises Bajos Bélgica

Gamma Brewing Company

Gamma Brewing Company

Established in March 2015, Gamma Brewing Company is a Danish craft brewery located in Gørløse, just north of Copenhagen. Gamma was born of an ambition to create delicious beer that is as gratifying to make as it is to drink. Regardless of the style of beer we make, our focus remai ...

190 Cervezas - 74 Precios Dinamarca Bulgaria España ... Paises Bajos Finlandia Rumania Reino Unido Suecia

CRAK Brewery

CRAK Brewery

CRAK Brewery La nostra rivoluzione è produrre le migliori birre possibili e offrirle al massimo della freschezza CRAK è nato come suono di rottura con il passato, perché acquistare il nostro impianto è stata per noi una svolta epocale. Abbiamo aperto le porte ...

189 Cervezas - 137 Precios Paises Bajos Italia España ... Bulgaria Alemania Portugal Suiza Francia Gibraltar

Bottle Logic Brewing

Bottle Logic Brewing

Founded in 2013 by Wes Parker, Steve Napolitano, and Brandon Buckner. Bottle Logic is a production brewery and tap Room located in Anaheim California.

188 Cervezas - 230 Precios Paises Bajos Dinamarca México ... Alemania Singapur Francia Irlanda Eslovakia Bulgaria Reino Unido Bélgica España Australia Italia Suiza

Stigbergets Bryggeri

Stigbergets Bryggeri

Lokalt hantverksbryggeri i Majorna, Göteborg sedan Januari 2013

187 Cervezas - 92 Precios España Alemania Gibraltar ... Paises Bajos Francia Dinamarca Reino Unido Bélgica Hungría Malta, Isla de

Mortalis Brewing Company

Mortalis Brewing Company

Mortalis Brewing Company is a startup brewery in Livingston County. We believe that beer is about human connection. Brewing beer fit for the gods, Join our ranks and never be satisfied with average.

186 Cervezas - 154 Precios Reino Unido Paises Bajos Alemania ... Hungría Australia Francia Estados Unidos de América Suiza Bulgaria España Suecia Bélgica Austria Singapur