Thornbridge Brewery
Thornbridge craft beers were first produced in 2005 in the 10 barrel brewery in the grounds of Thornbridge Hall, near Bakewell, Derbyshire, UK. We opened a new state of the art 30 barrel brewery at Riverside in Bakewell in September 2009. Based on the innovation, passion and knowledge of our b ...
254 Cervezas - 198 PreciosGarage Project
Garage Project was started by Pete Gillespie & Jos Ruffell with help from Pete’s brother Ian. When we started out we were tiny. Garage Project wasn’t even micro brewing... it was truly nano brewing. But what we lacked in size we more than made up for in agility and ability to experim ...
250 Cervezas - 279 PreciosMad Scientist
We are the boys and girls from Budapest, Hungary who are taking the profession of making an alcoholic beverage way too seriously. Feel free to check out who we are, and what we do. Mad Scientist – Transforming your beer drinking into a reasonable and professional hobby since 2016. Madne ...
245 Cervezas - 249 PreciosAmager Bryghus
Amager Bryghus The story of Amager Bryghus is the story of two old friends, Morten Valentin Lundsbak and Jacob Storm, who were determined to turn their passion for good beer into a professional career.
240 Cervezas - 254 PreciosAzvex Brewing Company
Welcome to Azvex Brewing Company! I am absolutely driven and fully committed to delivering the best beer I am capable of and offer the best possible experience for my customers. For many years now I have spent countless hours researching, brewing and experimenting to improve my understanding o ...
238 Cervezas - 339 PreciosEvil Twin Brewing NYC
Evil Twin Brewing was started up “nomadically” in 2010 by Jeppe Jarnit- Bjergso. In 2012, Jeppe and his family decided to make New York City their home and join the burgeoning local beer scene. In 2016, Jeppe was approached with the opportunity to finally root his ideas & dreams ...
234 Cervezas - 30 PreciosCierzo Brewing Co.
Cierzo Brewing Co. es la cerveza artesana de Zaragoza. Cerveza de verdad, sin sucedáneos, noble y con alma. Nuestra forma de entender esta bebida milenaria, que solo es perfecta cuando se elabora con pasión, respetando cada receta, sus tiempos y sus ingredientes.
233 Cervezas - 150 PreciosLaugar Brewery
Laugar somos cincos amigos, de entre 26 y 31 años, y amantes de la cerveza. Intentamos innovar continuamente en nuestras recetas, otorgándoles nuestro carácter fresco y atrevido, y siempre manteniendo el máximo nivel de calidad. La palabra Laugar surge por primera v ...
233 Cervezas - 219 PreciosBrouwerij 3 Fonteinen
Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen is één van de laatste traditionele lambikbrouwerijen en geuzestekerijen in België. Geworteld in Beersel in de Zennevallei, tussen Brussel en het Pajottenland, heeft 3 Fonteinen een sterke overtuiging van wat de traditie van lambik zou moeten zijn. Daarom ...
232 Cervezas - 1011 PreciosGuineu - Ca l’Arenys
Guineu, el nombre de nuestra marca significa, en Catalán, Zorro, el pequeño mamífero, común en nuestra zona, que para sobrevivir tiene que ser muy astuto. Desde nuestros inicios, entendemos la cerveza artesanal como un producto que se concibe con pasión, arra ...
226 Cervezas - 83 PreciosLervig Aktiebryggeri
Lervig Aktiebryggeri LERVIG is an independently owned and operated craft brewery located in Stavanger, Norway. We produce a wide range of beers from easy-drinking pilsners and pale ales to bold and complex barrel-aged stouts, barley wines, and sours. ------------------- Lervig es una cervecer&i ...
226 Cervezas - 588 Precios450 North Brewing Company
450 North Brewing Company is a small craft brewery situated on the Simmons family farm in beautiful Columbus, Indiana. Since 2012 the Simmons family has been crafting some of the finest beers in the country. We produce beer, wine, and hard cider on site and are open to the public daily. We offe ...
224 Cervezas - 65 PreciosLa Source Beer Co.
Based in Brussels, La Source is an artisanal & creative microbrewery active since October 2019. IPAs, sour & wild beers, seasonals, barrel aged or classic styles revisited make the variety of our production. The beers are available in cans at our shop or to be enjoyed at the bar, direct ...
223 Cervezas - 89 PreciosThe Garden Brewery
Award-winning brewery in Zagreb, Croatia. Founded in 2016 to bring incredible craft beer to the music festivals on Croatia’s shimmering Adriatic Coast, The Garden’s beers are brewed for the experiences that bring us together.
221 Cervezas - 118 PreciosPühaste
The origin of Pühaste Brewery goes back to the year 2011, when Eero, our head brewmaster, made his first craft beers. His test beers, brewed in the summer cottage in Pühaste village, Valga county, earned high grades from his friends. Further brewing as a “gipsy”, brought a ...
220 Cervezas - 437 PreciosZiemia Obiecana
Browar Ziemia Obiecana We brew. IPAs / Belgians / Wild Ales
217 Cervezas - 59 PreciosNorth Brewing Co.
North Brewing Co was founded in 2015 by John Gyngell and Christian Townsley, the pioneers behind legendary Leeds beer venue North Bar, which opened in 1997.Known as “the first craft beer bar in Britain”, North Bar influenced a new wave of modern beer bars and breweries across the co ...
216 Cervezas - 33 PreciosRodinný pivovar Zichovec
Jsme rodinný craftový minipivovar, který světlo světa spatřil už v roce 2012. Z malého rodinného podniku sídlícího v malebné vesničce Zichovec u Slaného jsme se postupně rozrostli, a v roce 2016 jsme výrobu přesunuli d ...
213 Cervezas - 127 PreciosJackie O’s Brewery
Specializing in brewing techniques that revive traditional methods & incorporate contemporary elements & influences, we strive to brew one of the most diverse beer portfolios in the country, with a detailed & unique focus on barrel/wood aging & blending. Jackie O’s owner, ...
211 Cervezas - 118 PreciosBrewski
I am just a passionate brewer that is currently living my dream. Its not a walk in the park to run a brewery, it takes a lot of your time. You have to become one with your work to make this happen.You have to become a Brewski. In heart, mind and soul. Brewski is not a normal brewery. We want to ...
210 Cervezas - 218 Precios