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Leffe Blonde 330ml

Australia BoozeBud

Leffe Blonde 330ml

Leffe Blond is the flagship of the Leffe range. This legendary brew owes its unique taste to centuri ...t and fruity, Leffe Blond has a smooth texture and a subtle, spicy aftertaste with a hint of bitter orange. The light, sunny colour is derived from the use of pale malt, and the 6.6 % alcohol con ...


Leffe Brune 330ml

Australia BoozeBud

Leffe Brune 330ml

Leffe Brune is an authentic abbey beer, brewed according to the traditional recipe of the Abbey of L ...effe. Leffe Brune has a delicate taste of vanilla and clove, and the full aroma of toffee and caramel. A timeless beer for those moments, where you would like to turn back the clock.


Chimay Grand Reserve 750ml

Australia BoozeBud

Chimay Grand Reserve 750ml

Chimay Grand Reserve is a dark Trappist beer boasting a potent aroma, complex flavor, and improved a ...sting fresh, fragrant aromas of yeast and caramel malts, it is best consumed between 10-12°C. Truly exceptional, it lives up to its reputation. ...


Gouden Carolus Tripel 330ml

Australia BoozeBud

Gouden Carolus Tripel 330ml

Despite significant technological advancements, this beer is meticulously brewed in adherence to anc ...ley and premium hops, to ensure the utmost preservation of pure flavor. Originally crafted for the Knights of the Golden Fleece in 1491, this beer epitomizes full, graceful tenderness with a clea ...


Westmalle Dubbel 330ml

Australia BoozeBud

Westmalle Dubbel 330ml

The ale under consideration is a reddish-brown trappist variant, characterized by a malty and fruity ...ead. The bouquet offers a robust composition of esters and fruity notes. Distinguishing markers of ripe banana are notably present. The flavor profile is a mix of fruity and slight bitterness, cu ...


Duvel Golden Ale 330ml

Australia BoozeBud

Duvel Golden Ale 330ml

Four generations of the Moortgat family have melded Pilsner malts, Bohemian hops, and a one-of-a-kin ...d yeast strain to craft this intense, fragrant and alluring ale. This Belgian mainstay is best enjoyed cold (4.4 - 10C) among discerning company or attractive acquaintances.


St. Bernardus Prior 8 330ml

Australia BoozeBud

St. Bernardus Prior 8 330ml

St. Bernardus Prior 8 is a traditional abbey beer, brewed in the classic dubbel style. The original ...lour: This delicious beer is chestnut brown, emitting a deep red glow and presenting a lovely rounded head. ...


Hoegaarden Grand Cru 330ml

Australia BoozeBud

Hoegaarden Grand Cru 330ml

Introduced in 1991, the Tripel variant of Hoegaarden has ascended to classic status. Exhibiting an o ...uit-forward notes of banana and peach dominate. Subtle yeast and spicy coriander nuances intermingle, contributing to a soft mouthfeel and culminating in a warming alcoholic finish. ...


Gulden Draak Classic Dark Red Tripel 330ml

Australia BoozeBud

Gulden Draak Classic Dark Red Tripel 330ml

An enduring symbol of excellence for over six centuries demands an equally remarkable beer. Gulden D ...nest beers for years. This dark tripel stands out not only for its exceptional classification but also for its intricate flavor profile, featuring notes of caramel, roasted malt, and coffee, whic ...


Boon Geuze Mariage Parfait 375ml

Australia BoozeBud

Boon Geuze Mariage Parfait 375ml

Geuze Mariage Parfait is an exceptional example of craftsmanship when it comes to blending Lambic be ... young lambic in a perfect marriage made in brewing heaven.At Boon, it’s all about balance, so in order to provide the Old Style Geuze Mariage Parfait with enough body to withstand the abundance ...


Delirium Tremens 330ml

Australia BoozeBud

Delirium Tremens 330ml

The distinctive flavor and aroma of Delirium Tremens is due to the use of 3 species of yeast. Derive ... pink elephant logo have earned it global acclaim. In 1997, it was put forward for the title of "Best Beer in the World" and a gold medal at the World Beer Championships in Chicago the following ...


St. Bernardus Pater 6 330ml

Australia BoozeBud

St. Bernardus Pater 6 330ml

St. Bernardus Pater 6 is crafted in the traditional dubbel style, adhering to a recipe originating f ...g a chestnut-brown hue topped with a creamy head, this brew transcends the typical brown beer profile. It masterfully blends the profound flavors of specialty malt with the vivacious fruitiness o ...


Gulden Draak The Brewmasters Edition 330ml

Australia BoozeBud

Gulden Draak The Brewmasters Edition 330ml

This exclusive Gulden Draak seamlessly merges advanced technology with the artistry of traditional b ...e Gulden Draak experience. Brewmaster Jef Versele has meticulously crafted this 'Gulden Draak Brewmasters Edition' in homage to his grandfather, Jozef Van Steenberge, and in celebration of the b ...


Chimay Cinq Cents White 750ml

Australia BoozeBud

Chimay Cinq Cents White 750ml

Chimay Tripel, with its typical golden colour, its slightly hazy appearance and its fine head is esp The beer's flavour, as sensed in the mouth, comes from the smell of hops: above all it is the fruity notes of muscat and raisins that give this beer a particularly attractive aroma. The aroma ...


St. Bernardus Tripel 750ml

Australia BoozeBud

St. Bernardus Tripel 750ml

St. Bernardus Tripel is a traditional abbey beer that follows the classic tripel style. In the Watou ...te, the youngest daughter of Evariste Deconinck, the man to whom the monks of Abbaye Sainte Marie du Mont des Cats sold their Belgian property in 1934. Colour St. Bernardus Tripel is a blonde b ...


Westmalle Tripel 330ml

Australia BoozeBud

Westmalle Tripel 330ml

A full-bodied, dry and spicy Trappist ale, product of a 5-week secondary fermentation. Complex, poss ...itter note accompanied by a fruity aroma. An exemplary ale of finesse and elegance, with an impressively long lingering finish. ...


Stella Artois Beer 330ml

Australia BoozeBud

Stella Artois Beer 330ml

Stella Artois' origin story starts way back in 1366 when Den Hoorn brewery was founded in Leuven, Be the brewery in 1717, renaming it Brouwerij Artois. Stella Artois first launched for Christmas in 1926 as a seasonal beer and gets its name from the Christmas star. Stella Artois Beer is a 4.8 ...


Rodenbach Grand Cru 330ml

Australia BoozeBud

Rodenbach Grand Cru 330ml

Grand Cru by RODENBACH has on average been left for much longer in the oak casks (“foeders”) of the” style. RODENBACH Grand Cru consists of 1/3 young beer and 2/3 beer matured two years in oak. The result is a complex beer with a great deal of wood and esters, vinous and with a very long aft ...


Rodenbach Evolved 10 Year Old Grand Cru 750ml

Australia BoozeBud

Rodenbach Evolved 10 Year Old Grand Cru 750ml

What happens if, instead of the standard 18 months, we age our Grand Cru for 10 years? The answer is you with its subtlety and complexity. Thanks to the exceptionally long maturation in oak cask no. 95, the beer has an even more pronounced wood character. The natural flavors of sour cherry, g ...


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