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Chimay Grand Reserve 750ml

Australia BoozeBud

Chimay Grand Reserve 750ml

Chimay Grand Reserve is a dark Trappist beer boasting a potent aroma, complex flavor, and improved a ...sting fresh, fragrant aromas of yeast and caramel malts, it is best consumed between 10-12°C. Truly exceptional, it lives up to its reputation. ...


Rochefort Trappistes 6 330ml

Australia BoozeBud

Rochefort Trappistes 6 330ml

Rochefort 6, the most ancient among the trio of Rochefort Trappist beers, boasts an autumn-leaf redd ...ish hue. Its body is characterized by a gentleness complemented by an earthy, herbal palette hinting at Darjeeling tea. This initial taste subsequently evolves into a profound fruitiness.


Gouden Carolus Classic Strong Dark Ale 330ml

Australia BoozeBud

Gouden Carolus Classic Strong Dark Ale 330ml

Gouden Carolus Classic originates from the rich brewing tradition of Mechelen, where each Belgian ci ...e favored "den Mechelschen Bruynen." During its tenure as the capital of the Netherlands, Mechelen sustained a brewer's guild committed to crafting exceptional beer for the Emperor. Historical ch ...


Gulden Draak The Brewmasters Edition 330ml

Australia BoozeBud

Gulden Draak The Brewmasters Edition 330ml

This exclusive Gulden Draak seamlessly merges advanced technology with the artistry of traditional b ...e Gulden Draak experience. Brewmaster Jef Versele has meticulously crafted this 'Gulden Draak Brewmasters Edition' in homage to his grandfather, Jozef Van Steenberge, and in celebration of the b ...


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