Whisky And More | Birrapedia
Chimay White 750ml

New Zealand Whisky And More

Chimay White 750ml

Commercial Description:  Chimay White (now better known as Chimay Tripel) was created in 1966 by Br ...y and hoppy character. This Tripel really is a drinkable proof of the complex art of brewing. It has a mainly dry character, enhanced by a floral fruitiness that brings to mind memories of a fine ...


La Trappe Tripel 750ml

New Zealand Whisky And More

La Trappe Tripel 750ml

Commercial description Colour: Gold blonde with a white head. Aroma: Fruity aromas of peach and ...werful and full taste. In addition, the ale has a candy-sweet and light-malty character. Aftertaste: Bitter and slightly dry. Ingredients:  water, malted barley (pale, Munich), glucose syrup, ...


New Zealand’s best source for single malts, whiskeys, cognacs, liqueurs and more.