Whisky And More | Birrapedia
Chimay Red 750ml

Nueva Zelanda Whisky And More

Chimay Red 750ml

Commercial Description:  Created over 150 years ago, the Chimay Red is the oldest of the Chimays. I ...n the 750ml bottle, it’s known as Chimay Première. A copper-tinted brown ale that combines generous fruity flavours with toast and sweet caramel. 7% ABV


La Trappe Dubbel 750ml

Nueva Zelanda Whisky And More

La Trappe Dubbel 750ml

Commercial description Colour: Dark brown with ivory-coloured head. Aroma: Fruity aroma with dar ...ppist ale with a full malty, caramel-sweet taste and a subtle influence of dates, honey and dried fruits. Aftertaste: Sweet and lightly bitter. Ingredients:  water, malted barley (Munich, pal ...


Leffe Brune (Brown) 330ml

Nueva Zelanda Whisky And More

Leffe Brune (Brown) 330ml

BB 10/02/2023 Commercial description Leffe Brown is an authentic abbey beer. Both its deep, dark b ...making every sip just as exceptional as the last. A SHORT STORY ABOUT A LEGENDARY BEER Dinant, 1240. 
In the heart of the Leffe district lies an abbey well-known among the village locals. One m ...


New Zealand’s best source for single malts, whiskeys, cognacs, liqueurs and more.