100 Beers
Изобилие от аромати на захарни бонбони, личи, грейпфрут, маракуя и портокалови кори. Благодарим ви, ...Cascade, Mosaic и Idaho7 за чудесното охмеляване на този
Rebel Beer Cans
Soon Never Comes van Whiplash uit Dublin, Ierland is een Single Hope New England Double IPA van 8,5% .... Soon Never Comes is gebrouwen met Cascade, Mosaic & Idaho 7 hop.
6,29 €
Whiplash Soon Never Comes - DIPA
DIPA - 8.5% Appearance: Hazy as you like. Light pale liquid gold. Beautiful white silk foam. Arom ...e / Body: Smooth smooth smooth. Hidden alcohol and bitterness for a soft and supple hit of sweet stone fruits with more citrus giving it needed structure. Silky and creamy as always. Moderate lin ...
6,15 €