Craft Central
Whiplash Fruit Salad Days: Mango & Lime
Whirlpool hopped with El Dorado to really ramp up the fruity character before fermenting on some ext ...ra fruity and estery ale yeast and adding lots and lots of organic Mango and Lime fruit pureé. El Dorado
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Craft Beers Delivered
Whiplash Fruit Salad Days Mango & Lime Sour
It's a fruit salad for days! Just as the can declares, this sour delight is made with Alfonso mango ...n some extra fruity and estery ale yeast and adding lots and lots of organic Mango and Lime fruit pu.. ...
Sin Stock
Yards & Crafts
440ml CanBallyfermot, Dublin 3.8% ABV No IBU Rating: 3.89/5 67 Ratings Clean base of Pilsner malt an ...d Wheat, whirlpooled with Oregon Cascade. Fermented on London Ale III this time for...
Sin Stock