Craft & Draft
Brouwerij Verhaeghe Duchesse De Bourgogne
A Duchesse de Bourgogne é a cerveja tradicional da região oeste de Flandres – Flemish Red Ale. ... cerejas, frutos vermelhos e uma acidez baslâmica. Complexa no paladar, com sabores que vão desde o melaço, à cereja, ou ao vinagre balsâmico, até às frutas secas e aos taninos suaves. Após a fer ...
Sin Stock
Sophie’s Beer Store
Sour Flanders Red 6.2% | 250ml Bottle. The classic Flanders Red, and a benchmark beer for the style bears a punchy sour character with entrancing ripened berry fruit notes. Free UK Belgian Beer Delivery Over £65 | European Belgian Beer Delivery From £10
Sin Stock
La Plante Du Loup
Duchesse de Bourgogne Verhaeghe 6.2° Oud Bruin Brune des Flandres
La Brasserie Verhaeghe est une brasserie artisanale implantée à Vichte en Belgique. La brasserie à u ...toujours restée artisanale. Son produit phare, la Duchesse de Bourgogne, est une bière de fermentation mixte. brasserie ...
Sin Stock
Duchesse de Bourgogne 6,2% 25cl
Duchesse Du Bourgogne fra Brouwerij Verhaeghe er en mørk ale med krydrede noter og en smag af sure f ...hagelig frisk eftersmag. Øllet er brygget med dybt ristet malt og let aromatisk humle med lavt bitterhedsindhold. Efter hovedgæringen og lagerlagringen fortsætter "Duchesse de Bourgogne" med at m ...
Sin Stock
Bereta Brewing Co.
Bere flamanda maturata in butoaie de stejar ...urgogne/3954
Sin Stock
The Independent
Verhaeghe Duchesse de Bourgogne
Duchesse de Bourgogne from Brouwerij Verhaeghe is the traditional Flemish red ale. This refreshing a ..., and a long, dry and acidic finish. After the first and secondary fermentation, the beer goes for maturation into the oak barrels for 18 months. The final product is a blend of younger 8 months ...
Sin Stock
Bagsværd Vinhandel
Brygget af Verhaeghe, og er en dejlig frisk syrlig/sød øl af typen, rød ale fra ...aelig;rt ikke at undres over, hvordan det er muligt at brygge en øl, som på samme tid er så frisk, sød og syrlig uden brug af kunstige tilsætninger. Efter en slurk ...
Sin Stock
Arbre A Biere
Bière belge ambrée, elle née d'une haute fermentation entre une bière jeune et une plus ancienne, el ...le est ensuite vieillit en fût de chêne.
Sin Stock
Verhaeghe Duchesse De Bourgogne 6.2% 24x25cl
La Duchesse de Bourgogne est une bière brune rouge ouest-flamande de fermentation mixte. C'est une b ... torréfiés et des houblons à faible amertume. Après la fermentation principale et la garde, la bière mûrit encore pendant de nombreux mois dans des fûts de chêne. Caractère fruité, goût doux et f ...
Sin Stock
Bierwinkel de Verwachting
| Flanders Red Ale | 6,2% | 25cl fles | Belgie | Untappd 3.69 |
Sin Stock
Goblet Beer Store
ABV: 6,2% IBU: 11 STYLE: Sour - Flanders Red Ale Duchesse de Bourgogne from Brouwerij Verhaeghe is ...ture and interplay of passion fruit, and chocolate, and a long, dry and acidic finish. After the first and secondary fermentation, the beer goes for maturation into the oak barrels for 18 months. ...
Sin Stock
BeerVikings - Duplicada
Duchesse de Bourgogne verwijzend naar Maria van Bourgondië, gravin van Vlaanderen en hertogin van Bo ...odbruin bier staat ervoor gekend dat het bier achteraf gerijpt wordt op eiken foeders of vaten, hierdoor krijgt het zijn unieke en complexe smaak. Bij deze Duchesse rijpt het bier, na de eerste ...
Sin Stock
Purvis Beer
Verhaeghe Duchesse De Bourgogne 330ml Purvis Beer
Duchesee de Bourgogne is the traditional top fermented reddish-brown ale from the West-Flanders regi ...on of Belgium. This refined ale also known as "The Burgundies of Belgium" is a blend of 8 and 18 months old ales following careful maturation in oak casks. 100% natural and unpasteurized.
Sin Stock
Verhaeghe - Duchesse Bourgogne
Duchesse de Bourgogne from Brouwerij Verhaeghe is the traditional Flemish red ale. This refreshing a ...le is matured in oak casks; smooth with a rich texture and interplay of passion fruit, and chocolate, and a long, dry and acidic finish. After the first an
Sin Stock
Brouwerij Verhaeghe Vichte - Duchesse de Bourgogne
Duchesse de Bourgogne” is een Vlaams Roodbruin bier van gemengde gisting. Het is een zoet-fruitig bi ...atische hop met een laag bitterheidsgehalte. Na de hoofdgisting en lagering rijpt de “Duchesse de Bourgogne” nog verder ...
Sin Stock
The Fuss.Club
This is a Sour - Flanders Red Ale (View Untappd)(UT RATING: 3.67) Brouwerij Verhaeghe says: 'Duc matured in oak casks; smooth with a rich texture and interplay of passion fruit, and chocolate, and a long, dry and acidi ...
Sin Stock
Ang Mo Liang Teh
Flanders Red Ale | 330ml | ABV 6.0% Duchesse de Bourgogne is an West-Flemish red brown ale of mixed ...sted malts and with hops with a low bitterness. After the main fermentation and the lagering , the Duchesse de Bourgogne ...
Sin Stock
Brussels Beer Box
Beer Duchesse De Bourgogne 6.2%
Duchesse de Bourgogne 6.2% is a sour - oud bruin style beer offered by the Verstraeten brewery. Brea ...k-proof packaging, fast delivery and top-notch customer service
Sin Stock
Beers & More 77
Verhaege Duchesse de Bourgogne Fruit Beer Fles 25 cl 6,20%
Vlaams Roodbruin bier van gemengde gisting, zoete frisse smaak en gerijpt op eikenhouten vaten
Sin Stock
The Triangle
Verhaegehe Vichte - Duchesse de Borgogne - 6.2% Flanders Red - 330ml Bottle
330ml bottle 6.2% abv A traditional Flemish red ale. This refreshing ale is matured in oak casks; ... finish. After the first and secondary fermentation, the beer goes for maturation into the oak barrels for 18 months. The final product is a blend of younger 8 months old beer with 18 months old ...
Sin Stock
Thirsty Cambridge
Verhaeghe Duchesse De Borgogne Red Flanders Sour 6.2% 330ml
World-famous sour beer aged in foudres to add notes of cherry, oak, caramel and balsamic
Sin Stock
Verhaeghe Duchesse de Bourgogne 330mL ABV 6.2%
“Duchesse de Bourgogne” is an ale of mixed fermentation. It is a sweet-fruity ale with a ...s. After the main fermentation and the lagering , the “Duchesse de Bourgogne” matures further for many months in oak casks. The tannins in the oak give the “Duchesse de Bourgogn ...
Sin Stock
Beer Force
Brouwerij Verhaeghe Duchesse De Bourgogne
Flanders Red Ale | 330ml | ABV 6% Duchesse de Bourgogne is an West-Flemish red brown ale of mixed fe ...ed malts and with hops with a low bitterness. After the main fermentation and the lagering , the Duchesse de Bourgogne m ...
Sin Stock
Verhaeghe Duchesse de Bourgogne Oak-Aged Flemish Red 750ml
6% Duchesse de Bourgogne from Brouwerij Verhaeghe is the traditional Flemish red ale. This re ... chocolate, and a long, dry and acidic finish. After the first and secondary fermentation, the beer goes for maturation into the oak barrels for 18 months. The final product is a blend of younger ...
Sin Stock
Voldby Købmandsgaard
Br. Verhaeghe Duchesse De Bourgogne
Br. Verhaeghe Duchesse De Bourgogne Barrel Aged Flamsk Red Ale 330ml 6,2%
Sin Stock
Duchesse de Bourgogne - Bière Belge 6.2%
Brasserie Verhaeghe Cette bière artisanale est brassée avec un malt torréfié et du houblon de plus ...ches et boisées. La duchesse de Bourgogne étonne par sa douceur et ses arômes sensationnels. ...
Sin Stock
Caps and Taps
Duchesse de Bourgogne 6.2% (330ml)
Belgian top-fermented reddish-brown ale, a blend of 8 and 18 months old beers following the careful ...maturation in oak casks. Flemish Red.
Sin Stock
Luekens Wine & Spirits
Duchesse De Bourgogne 11.2oz 4pk Btl
Duchesee de Bourgogne is the traditional top fermented reddish-brown ale from the West-Flanders regi ...on of Belgium. This refined ale also known as “The Burgundies of Belgium” is a blend of 8 and 18 months old ales following careful maturation in oak casks. 100% natural and unpasteurized.
Sin Stock
Description La brasserie familiale Verhaeghe s’illustre par plus d’un siècle d’existence, même si l ...erie aime mettre sur le devant de la scène les bières de types “rouges flamandes” (oud bruin) L’origine du nom demeure lui assez incertain. Selon certains, il viendrait de l’auteur anglais Micka ...
Sin Stock
The Good Spirits Co.
Fruity, tart, complex. A sipping beer, and also very food friendly.
Sin Stock
Duchesse de Bourgogne van Brouwerij Verhaeghe is het traditionele Vlaamse rode bier. Dit verfrissend ...n chocolade, en een lange, droge en zure afdronk. Na de eerste en tweede gisting rijpt het bier gedurende 18 maanden in ...
Sin Stock
Belgian Brewed
“Duchesse de Bourgogne” is a Flemish red-brown beer of mixed fermentation. It is a sweet-fruity b ...ic hops with a low bitterness content. After the main fermentation and lagering, the "Duchesse de Bourgogne" continues to mature for months in oak casks. The tannins present in the oak gi ...
Sin Stock
Achat Bières
Bière brune de la Brasserie Verhaeghe en Belgique. Cette bière brune titre à 6.2%
Sin Stock
Central da Cerveja
Duchesse de Bourgogne é uma cerveja belga do estilo Flemish Red-Brown (Vlaams Rood-Bruin), tradicion ... tonéis de carvalho francês, e o produto final é um blend de cervejas entre 8 e 18 meses. Uma explosão de sensações com um balanço entre dulçor e acidez, remetendo melaço, cereja, balsâmico, fru ...
Sin Stock
Fuggles Bottle Shop
Duchesse de Bourgogne from Brouwerij Verhaeghe is THE traditional Flemish red ale. Matured in oak ca ... akin to balsamic vinegar. After the first and secondary fermentation, the beer goes for maturation into the oak barrels ...
Sin Stock